What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
DIY "Shareware Disc of Switch Software" Adventure
Hole io (Switch)
January 5th, 2025
Yesterday, I didn't start any new games, but I did finish Farm Kitten: Puzzle Pipes. The pipe puzzles in this game were just okay, and it took me a while to get used to the camera. I am very charmed that this was a game about doing farm work for the world's most demanding and oddly specific kitten, though. No people are in sight, but I got them a car, a house, a tractor, some utility buildings, and even their very own windmill! They're a great little CG bug-cat, and they deserved all of it. I hope that the little cutie was somehow a cog in an elaborate money laundering scheme.

With uncharacteristic determination, I also left Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade running for most of the morning and a good chunk of the afternoon, determined to get a good start on the long term goals in the current story event so I'd have a better chance at getting Nanami's new SSR in the long run. I then got him in my second pull of the day, gracelessly gloated about it to a family member I play with, and didn't touch the game for the rest of the day.

As for my ill-advised adventures in fitness gaming, I popped a bunch of Ricolas and pieced together 30 minutes of exercise in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku. In hindsight, it would have been a lot less effort to just do the longer daily workout session, but my brain wasn't there yesterday.

Though I considered starting a new cat game last night, I just ended up playing a bit of Hole io to put myself to sleep. It's a long grind, but the destruction makes me feel powerful.

December 28th, 2024
I'm doing a quick post before family Christmas stuff this morning! Last night was busy and I didn't play much. I kept up my streak in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku, with a strangely relaxing 12-minute free exercise.

I played five rounds of Hole io before bed, too, deliberately limiting myself to see if I could get to sleep faster. I couldn't, but it's fine to try sometimes!

December 27th, 2024
It's time for a quick "lunch break" post today, as getting up to do things before work is outside my area of interest right now. I didn't play much of anything yesterday, but forced myself into a couple of very short free workouts in Fitness Boxing feat Hatsune Miku.

I played a little of Hole io, too, finding the pirate and mall levels to be very satisfying. The pirate level is maybe a little glitchy feeling, but the sense of being able to scale up in it is really great.

December 22nd, 2024
Yesterday was a very low key gaming day. I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing feat Hatsune Miku, which seemed like good progress.

I played Hole io for a bit before bed, too, and got quite a few things unlocked.

I also did some basic level grinding in Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade. I wasn't able to accomplish much, but that is totally ok in a mobile RPG!

December 21st, 2024
Going to Aldi the weekend before Christmas was a mistake, but I at least have plenty of groceries to show for my trouble.
Yesterday was not a very out of the ordinary gaming day for me. I decided I want to try and clear all the achievements in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku, so I did a 12 minute exercise in that yesterday. I don't know how helpful that is, but it was at least a few minutes of not simply sitting around.

To balance that vague sense of productivity, I played two super short hidden object games on Steam. First, I went for Find All, which I'd gotten in a super cheap series bundle during the autumn sale. I liked this one! It was nice to find something other than cats, and staggering the list of things to find was not a bad way to give the game a feeling of progress. A lot of the objects were pretty well hidden, too. I'm looking forward to continuing this series!

I also ran through another freebie, 100 Ninja Cats. It was a bit too easy, and the cats looked weirdly melted in this one. I've played worse stuff for free, though.

Before bed, I tried Hole io, another of the 20 cent Switch games I'd picked up, too. I tried this on mobile years ago, and do think it's nice to see a totally offline version of a mobile game available! It's cool for game preservation. However, I also like unleashing mass destruction when I am half asleep, and this game also delivered on that front. It's a very bare bones time attack sort of game, with lots of stuff to unlock, but I like seeing how much stuff I can wreck in two minutes. I'll probably try to get all the base game unlockables knocked out in this over the next few days.

Lastly, as has been my habit as of late, I spent some time with Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade throughout the day. I finally unlocked Gojo from my free gacha pulls, but he's a bit of a disappointment! After the first few turns of a battle, he simply walks off. It's a funny gimmick, and my fights tend not to last that many turns at this point, but I can still see this getting frustrating down the line.

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