What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions (Lenovo Legion Go)

March 10th, 2025

I'm so sleepy it feels strange to eat snacks or turn my head, due to unreasonable nervousness making it hard to sleep last night. Now that today is over, my brain has collapsed. This will be an easy post today.

I did a playthrough of Super Smash Bros Ultimate last night, and I used Banjo and Kazooie. I have no particular thoughts on the experience, though I might go back to figure out what they do a bit better. Playing with the in game camera was a blast, though.

I played through another free hidden cats game from Steam, Apartment Filled With Cats, because I had "clear game" on my to do list for the weekend. The first time I turned it on, it had some nasty control issues, but it was fine once I restarted it. It wasn't the best of these, nor was it the worst.

I finished my weekend to-do list, at 101 out of 116 items completed, too, and put Spirit City: Lofi Sessions away for the next few days. I'm trying to convince myself that was good and productive, not terrible, but Spirit City was really helpful in my quest, at any rate.


March 9th, 2025

I don't do well with time changes, so I'm even sleepier than usual today! Yesterday was good, though. I spent a lot of time cooking, and ran Spirit City: Lofi Sessions all day to keep track of what I was doing. I unlocked my last spirit creature while I was at it, a lovely fairy frog. I checked and only have two Steam achievements left in this, which I'm sure I'll hit just through daily life. This is really useful to manage to-do lists when I get overwhelmed.

Other than that, I just played portable fighting games. I tackled an arcade mode in Guilty Gear X Advance Edition, using Potemkin to get it over with. He's not a bad character, and I've seen him played well by the right players, but I really don't love slow characters in fighting games. Even with this game being easy, I had a bit of trouble. His arcade playthrough is over now, though, and no one else will be quite as bothersome.

I got two more Tekken Advance arcade playthroughs taken care of, too, starting with Nina. She felt really limited to me in this, but I don't know if that's down to this game's limits, or because I didn't really start using her more until Tekken 4 or 5. It was fun, though. She was properly zippy.

I did Paul's playthrough, too, which was almost totally neutral. I had an indifference inspiring time with him!

It's not game stuff at all, but I have some not-Legos from FiveBelow to show off, too. I forget why I wanted to wait until all three of these were done to post. They're the same brand, but I didn't buy them at the same time or anything. Nice armchairs aside, the Spy x Family living room doesn't fit so well with the Strawberry Shortcake cottage or the Hershey's shop. At any rate, though, I finished the living room this morning after doing the other two last month, then promptly broke the Hershey's shop after taking this photo. Oh, well! I'll fix it eventually.


March 8th, 2025

I'm trying to have a good, productive weekend. Naturally, this means that it's 3pm on Saturday and I'm already wanting to doze off. I do have a lot to type about today, though, so I'm going to make an effort at energy!

Last night, while I was exercise biking, I ended up playing a bit with the roms on my long lost Miyoo Mini+. I left it in a craft bag and then abandoned the craft contained within- it was quite tragic! I'm in such a fighting game mode, though, that I ended up turning on Tekken Advance, the Game Boy Advance version of Tekken 3. I had this back when it came out, and played it a moderate amount. I'm a lot more impressed by it now than I was then, though. Sacrifices had to be made, especially in terms of the roster, but it's pretty wild that they made this work on GBA.

In single player, though, it's pretty easy. I buzzed through four arcade modes last night, starting with Xiaoyu. I was being extremely cheap and spamming her ground kick against the AI, but it still seemed to go quickly.

After that, I ran Jin's arcade mode less cheaply, still having fun. I never used Jin all that much back in normal Tekken 3, so I don't know his moveset so well. This felt reasonably good, though, and was fairly easy, too.

Yoshimitsu was less easy, because I don't really like playing as him all that much and never got any skills with him. I managed to make him do the thing where he twirls around with his sword in the air a bunch of times until the credits rolled, but it's not a performance I was proud of.

My last arcade mode for the night was with King, who I knew I'd have to play as eventually. It wasn't that bad, though! I relied on his throw a little too much, but he wasn't as sluggish as I'd remembered. It was okay!

I did some survival mode while I finished exercising, but after that moved onto Guilty Gear X Advance Edition, the most normal way to play Guilty Gear in 2025. I'd had this for Game Boy Advance, too, but remember playing the Tekken cart a lot more. This, too, is pretty impressive, though! Some of the music is a little questionable, but it looks great and plays smoothly. This one is a bit on the easy side, too, though, which seems strange to me. I intended to mess with survival mode for a few minutes, but made it up to about survival level 80 with Johnny, who I've never really even used that much. If you haven't played Guilty Gear X, that's not as impressive as it seems- it was only about 19 fights. It was still enough to unlock Dizzy and Testament right off the bat, though, so I guess I'm ready to tackle the arcade modes here, too.

Other than hanging out in my fighting game rabbit hole, I used my Legion Go for some much cozier gaming pursuits. I'm trying to use Spirit City: Lofi Sessions to help with my productivity this weekend, so I had it on to unlock some spirits last night. I did pretty well, and might be able to get the last one today, before the DLC comes out later this month.

I played a few minutes of Luna's Fishing Garden before I went to sleep, too. It was really just a few minutes, though, so I spent them finishing off my fishing rod upgrades. It was fine, but uneventful.


January 7th, 2025

I'm back to work and posting during my lunch break today, which feels like a step forward! It's hard to stop coughing, but I feel better doing normal stuff.

Last night, I started playing Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, which is just a Yakuza game set in the Fist of the North Star universe. Well, it's kind of a weird alternate universe, but I made Kenshiro murder tons of people and also use his power to cure someone's back problems, so I'm good with that. I just started, so I don't have a ton to say about this yet, but I'm having a nice time so far.

I was too woozy to do my weekly to-do list updates in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions on Sunday, so I did that yesterday, with a full room remodel to boot. It wasn't so exciting, but it was pleasant and laid back.

All 30 of my exercise minutes were in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku yesterday, because I felt too lazy to set my Wii up. It was okay, but a little exhausting.

I played a couple of runs in Sweet Survivors before bed, too, unlocking a second barista and starting to feel like I'm getting the hang of waiting tables while I dodge the cats. I might be able to defeat this.


December 30th, 2024

It's not very exciting to post about, but I had a utility gaming Sunday yesterday. I did a lot of fitness game stuff, since I picked up the Wii balance board compatible Dance Dance Revolution and played it for quite a while. It bothered me some that it focuses so heavily on western top 40 over more standard DDR music, but it worked way better than I expected! There's maybe a few too many actions, but I had a lot of fun once I got into it. I was pretty awful at it, but I'll improve!

I did a single 9-minute workout in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku, too, since I didn't want to lose my streak in that. It was fine, but I maybe overdid it.

After getting overwhelmed and blowing off as much as possible last week, I did some weekly to-do list management in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions, too, getting a new pet and appreciating how much an actual mouse helped with managing and controlling this app.

I kept going in Love Rebirth, too, feeling slightly surprised at how long the dailies take to do in this game. It's fine that it's that way, but it would be a pretty big time sink to merge little items until I'd earned 450 coins every day. I don't think I care enough to play at that level.


December 16th, 2024

Yesterday was a much lower grade gaming day than Saturday had been. I did my weekly upkeep in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions, getting a couple more spirit companions while I was at it. It was very low effort, but that was fine.

Other than that, I buzzed through a bunch of the story mode in Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade, hoping to get some more dispatch locations and more effectively grind for items. It worked, and it was fun to finally get into the game-exclusive bits of the story. The Fukuoka campus students aren't as bad as I thought they'd be, and it's more fun to get their story than it is to plod through the manga story, but told much worse.

I also tried a game one of my coworkers was talking about called Blade of God X: Orisols. It was more action-y than the mobile stuff I usually play, but was also a little dull and incomprehensible. My character's design is cool, though, and since I'm always looking for games to play while I'm half asleep, I might try it again for that. I'm not sure, though.

I kept on with Aquarium Land, too. I'm hoping to finish this off tonight or tomorrow, but if I don't, that's fine, too. I just want to move on to my next game.


December 9th, 2024

I had another utility gaming Sunday yesterday. My weekly upkeep in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions was pretty minimal, but I didn't do well at this last week! I felt too burnt out to turn it on for most of the week, which is kind of pathetic. It also led to my missing some of the smaller, less "weekly" tasks I needed to do that I would have seen on a paper to-do list, leading to my rushing to finish stuff on Friday and Saturday. Overall, it was fine, but I'm going to try to check in on my lists for at least five minutes a night this week. This isn't a cure-all, but I still think I can make it work.

I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku, too, which was uneventful. I just felt like I needed to get up and move around a little.

As far as less purposeful gaming goes, I played another free hidden cats game, Hidden Winter Cats. It was the hidden object equivalent of the Waldo standing on the beach by himself, "Waldo's not even trying anymore!" joke from the Simpsons, so I found all 100 cats in less than 5 minutes. It wasn't a bad five minutes, but it was excessively slight.

I did some more cat themed casual gaming with Neko Pang, one of the Samsung instant play mobile games, before bed. I actually liked this one. It's just an obstacle-clearing match-3 game, but a very cute one. I did hit a difficulty spike before falling asleep, but I'm going to try and beat the stage that stopped me again today. This was definitely the better of my two throwaway game experiences yesterday.


December 2nd, 2024

I didn't feel great yesterday, so I just did utility-style gaming. I messed with Spirit City: Lofi Sessions quite a bit, redecorating my in-game room for Christmas and streamlining my to-do list by swapping a lot of my weekly tasks over into the daily habit tracker.

My muscles were kind of sore, so I played a daily, standard-length workout in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku, too. It was not fun and I wanted to quit mid-session, but it was good for me.


November 25th, 2024

Today's post is late because I sent myself a screenshot through Hotmail, and web Outlook was down this morning. Alas, the net is but a house of cards that can tumble upon the slightest provocation!

Anyway, yesterday was fun. I had a long D&D session in the evening, but played some stuff before and after. At night, I tried a Switch game called Coffee Pack that I'd picked up for 16 cents, I think, and got pretty quickly addicted. At first, it did seem a bit boring, but once I started getting more colors on the board and saw some of the tricks to shuffle pieces around, I was locked in. It's cute, too, but the gameplay is really satisfying for me.

I got my weekly to-do list typed up in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions, too, which took away an awful, unreasonable sense of panic I'd had from dealing with my standard pen and paper list. Once I reach next Sunday, I'll be able to uncheck what's done and make some quick adjustments rather than writing the whole thing over again, which is a massive relief! I know I'm too old to be having these sorts of organizational struggles, but it's nice that something this simple has made my last couple of days feel so easy.

I did the first part of the 0 event in Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade, too. The cutscenes for it drag on and on, so I was glad to be running it during an arts and crafts session. The prizes for it are nice, though, and I'm pleased to have a slightly more powerful version of Maki on hand! I'm planning to tackle part two of this event on Wednesday or Thursday.


November 24th, 2024

I'm still draggy today, but did some super casual gaming yesterday. I'd been reading about Spirit City: Lofi Sessions on notable neocitizen Aywren's blog, and after their last post about it realized that I had a machine that could run it now. I'm really awful at focusing and paying attention to what I want to accomplish, even if I really want to get it done, so I've been making messy and overwhelming pen and paper to-do lists, which isn't fun. Typing out my to-do lists yesterday still wasn't exactly fun, but the avatar creator and collecting lil' monster friends was, so it balances.

I also played some of a Steam holiday cheapie, Anime Jigsaw Girls: Christmas, because last week I became briefly fascinated with the depths of holiday casual games and feel like I have to follow through on that. It seems short and easy, but the music is a super shrill version of Jingle Bells that really got to me after a few screens. All the girls are in front of the same background, and the pieces are cut the same way every time, so there's no challenge or effort involved. I will finish this. I just couldn't take it all in one sitting.

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