What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Lofi Ping Pong (Switch)

October 12th, 2023

I got a new prescription yesterday, and taking it is making me feel kind of sick, so I'm not super peppy today. Last night was okay for games, though. I turned on my XBox to get some Game Pass time in and ended up trying Citizen Sleeper, which was really interesting so far! I definitely think I am going to die badly within the next few days, but prioritizing actions based on chances of success is an interesting mechanic. Plus, I've been in a reading mood lately, so a text heavy game was a good choice. (I can't access the screenshots I got last night, though, so just imagine all the distorted and unreadable text you could be looking at right now.)

I also played Lofi Ping Pong for about an hour. My biggest problem playing this game overall has probably been that it was hard for me to seperate the "sports action" from the rhythm game buttons, meaning that if my character was clear to the left and got a shot to the middle of the table, which the game's rules have you press "down" for, my brain would register that to get the shot, she needs to go left, leading me to hit "left." I finally got past that last night, and it threw a whole new snag in, where the ball changes its path every third shot. This'll take me a while.


October 6th, 2023

I haven't been sleeping well this week, so I was really zoned out last night. It led to bad gaming. I gave Lofi Ping Pong another go, and could do decently for a few minutes, but started getting flustered and just hitting the wrong buttons after that. There's only three buttons, so I felt a little dumb, but I just went to sleep from there.

A bit earlier than that, my phone needed to update, and it auto-installed a couple of games in the process. I'm really burnt out on Disney Tsum Tsum right now, so I gave one of them, Cubes Empire Champion, a try. It was fine, just the same game style as JT's Blocks on the Olde Internet's Yahoo games page (probably in the late 90s or very early '00s), or Roof Rats in the After Dark Games Collection. I guess more recently, it's the same as Pet Rescue Saga, too. I kind of like this game style, though, so it was fine. It had way too many ads, but I didn't delete it yet.


October 5th, 2023

I picked up Lofi Ping Pong on Switch, thinking it would be kind of funny and not much else. When I got to playing it last night, though, I really enjoyed it. It's a pretty interesting little rhythm game. I need to git gud badly, as the difficulty is way higher than I expected, but I got a really good sense of progression and my own improvement as I retried the fourth level again and again and again. I'm looking forward to playing this again tonight, and'll talk more about the mechanics on a post where I'm rushing to start my day a bit less.

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