What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star (Switch)
September 20th, 2024
Yesterday, I started to feel a little better than I had been after work, so I decided to "catch up" on the fitness games I hadn't been playing earlier in the week. This was a terrible idea, and by the end of it, I could barely function enough to brush my teeth. I did make it through, though, and am a bit proud of that. I started last night's mistake of a fitness journey with Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, where I got in a plain, low level daily workout. As far as things went, this was fine.

After a short break, I popped back over to my Switch to play a standard workout in Fitness Circuit, which makes me slightly miserable on a good day. By the end of the session last night, I was sweating so much my forehead burned, which I don't think is a great sign.

I was really bought into the idea of fully catching up on my workouts by then, though, and also pretty tired, so from there, I bounced to Fitness Boxing feat Hatsune Miku. I just did three song routines here, and it was easier to get through than Fitness Circuit. The songs were very high energy, though, and by the end of it, even though I made it through, my scores were not stunning. Still, I felt kind of accomplished by the end.

Apart from all that, I did spend some time level grinding away at Wixoss Multiverse, levelling up a bit without making much overarching progress. It was a pretty typical mobile game session.

September 17th, 2024
Today will be a quick post! I kept up with Wixoss Multiverse before bed last night, chipping away at the events to try and get levelling materials. While I was doing some Pokemon Stadium style "select your party members from a list" fights the other day, I realized you get a bonus with three party members of the same "type," which is helpful in figuring out what party members I want to level up next. I still haven't picked yet, though.

I got started on the medium difficulty level of the story mode in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too. It's not more difficult so far, but it does take longer.

September 14th, 2024
Today, I'm really fighting to be productive! It's not working the best, but I am certainly making an effort!
Yesterday, I was not at my most productive, but I did clear the story mode in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star on "light" mode. I'd feel accomplished, but I have two more difficulty levels to tackle from here. When I clear the top level, then I'll be excited.

From there, I was back on mobile games, and, yet again, really zoomed in on Wixoss Multiverse. It looks like three in-game events kicked off yesterday, and I want to see if I can make any headway in them. My progress on the daily tasks they tossed out was good last night, so it might end up going ok.

I spent a lot of time on Merge Prison, too, though I frittered away more time on the merge screen than in the story parts. It made for some nice, low-pressure mobile gaming zone-out time.

September 10th, 2024
This is a pretty sleepy morning, but that's ok. Yesterday, I decided to try moving my exercise gaming to the morning, with a light workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. It was not what I would consider an enjoyable choice, but I was happy with myself for not getting back in bed to push silently dreading the day as close as possible to the start of my work shift.

Other than that, though, it was just a mobile game day. I tried another Instant Plays game on my phone, Pixelint, which is just a simple "match your pixels to the example" game. The ads aren't too intrusive in this one, with one five second one playing every three or four levels. Plus, it seems relaxing so far.

I put some time into Wixoss Multiverse again, too, feeling satisfied that levelling my party had concrete results in battle. It was not a good focus tool yesterday, though. I ended up totally putting aside the stuff I was supposed to be doing to feed my tiny anime girls.... maybe batteries, I don't know, I'm actually not paying so much attention. That's fine, though! Games are for fun and relaxation, not productivity, so that was maybe a healthier way to enjoy it.

September 3rd, 2024
I'm trying to cap the amount of new games I start this month at five, so last night, digging through my Switch library, I settled on going back to Catlord, a Switch freebie that seems quite "inspired by" Vampire Survivors. It turns out that last time I played, I was minutes away from becoming powerful enough to clear it, so last night, I unexpectedly polished it off. Once I got the right upgrades, my cat was powerful enough to stand in the middle of stage one and vacuum up cash while I got ready for bed and played mobile games, so I did that, got every upgrade, and beat every boss in all three stages. There was no ending other than my acceptance that it's time to delete this off of my switch.

Other than that, I didn't do much out of the ordinary. I played a few battle stages in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, bringing me two stages away from the end on the easiest mode.

I also fussed with my mobile games, spending the most time in Magical Circle Guru-Guru: Stardust Adventure. It was mostly party management stuff, so it wasn't exciting, but I am steadily doing better at some of the levelled trial battle modes.

I played more than my usual in King of Prism Sparkling, too, because that was what I turned on while farming for cash in Catlord, and that whole deal took longer than I imagined it would.

September 1st, 2024
I'm starting September with big allergies, but equally notable cheer! My first thing for today, I went back and forth about posting, but ultimately decided it would be fun. Right now, I'm trying to make use of the many, many craft supplies I have gathered, so I decided that I wanted to do at least two crafts a week- a cat themed craft and a girl themed craft for ease of sorting. To start, I just did two tiny cross stitches from an Osamu Tezuka pattern book yesterday, making the first cat of the week Jungle Emperor Leo/Kimba the White Lion and the first girl of the week Pinoko from Black Jack! They're little quickie projects for sure, but I'm still really happy with them. It'll be fun to do more!

I didn't play a ton of games yesterday, since I wasn't at home. I played Space Battleship Yamato: Voyagers of Tomorrow on my phone for a little bit, which was a good chance to shut my brain off.

I also did another of the 15-minute exercises in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star in an effort to wake myself up. It didn't work, but I gave it a shot!

August 31st, 2024
It's the last day of August, and I am very sleepy! I had trouble focusing yesterday, so I ran Merge Pixel for a few hours. I didn't make any progress, but having it there as a screen to clear after meeting my goals was decently useful. Clickers are a decent focus tool.

Speaking of clickers, I also tried G123's Space Battleship Yamato: Voyagers of Tomorrow, which is another anime skin on what seems to be their most common game. I put this one on my phone, so I can play it "on the go," and it feels a bit cluttered on the smaller screen. There's a button to fire a cannon, though, and the explosion is pretty satisfying.

I did a 15 minute long single workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too. I got to the end and forgot what I'd done for the past five minutes, but my score was good, so it was fine.

August 27th, 2024
I actually managed a daily workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star yesterday, which I haven't been good at lately. I got so bored during the stretches that I thought I'd end up bailing five minutes in, but I did make it to the end! This isn't really an accomplishment, but I was still pleased.

My bigger gaming deal yesterday was that, as I played King of Prism Sparkling, I became convinced that every game the company behind it, G123, made was likely the same game. I did spend quite a bit of time on my jpegs of ice skaters yesterday, even saving up my free tickets for a lovely gacha draw where I got three SSRs.

From there, though, I tried Magical Circle Guru-Guru: Stardust Adventure, which was, as I suspected, an idle/clicker game with way too many systems for its own good. It was kind of pleasantly confusing to play a game based on a property I know next to nothing about, and the art is super cute. Since I like to leave games like this running while I'm doing stuff I actually need to get done, I was more delighted than offended by the whole ordeal. If I have time, I might try another one tonight.

August 19th, 2024
Yesterday, though it wasn't intentional, I only played anime games. This was not disappointing.
I had it in my head that I needed to be linking progress in level-based games to my productivity during the day, so, based on what I accomplished yesterday, I played six fights in Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash. I'm not still sure if this is a good idea or not, but I do like mediocre anime fighting games, so it was an okay payoff.
I did another long exercise in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, as these seem like an ok way to get back into the fitness game groove. I'm still not 100% past my bout with being extremely sleepy at all, so I may stick with this playstyle for a bit.

I got very set on clearing screen after screen of quests in King of Prism Sparkling, too, which led to a really nice false sense of accomplishment. With work back on the table today, I'll almost definitely do this again.

August 16th, 2024
I was super frustrated by work last night, so I really got focused on clicking away in King of Prism Sparkling. I made no notable progress, but I was at it longer than I should have been as a responsible adult. I got so many big numbers, though, it was satisfying.

I did another "hard mode" exercise in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, which was fine. The hard mode just makes the exercises longer rather than making them more difficult, so it's fine even at my crummy level.

From there, my attention span was pretty poor, so I tried Atari Mania. At least late last night, it felt really difficult for a Wario Ware imitator, with games that were just a shade too complicated. It wasn't awful, though, so I'll probably try this again.

I tried Diamond Painting ASMR on Switch, too, because I do diamond art in real life and 49 cents was a decent price to see how it was represented. This wasn't terrible, but it felt weird that the game's setup was slightly less impressive than my own. I regularly use a tool that lets me place seven gems at once, but the game only goes up to three, rather than going wild with a 50 placer or something. Plus, these in game kits have inconsistent gem shapes and the cheaper type of adhesive! It's very weird to do a pretend version of a craft and then make the in-game craft the cheap dropshipped level kits, but I am amused by it.

August 13th, 2024
I'm doing a quick post ahead of work today, and since I had to work late last night, there's not much to write about. I got back to Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star with a single 15 minute workout session. It wasn't awesome, but it was better than nothing, too.

I did two more puzzles in Sudocats, too, finding that a game of this sort is harder if you take your glasses off and subsequently forget you have done so.

August 3rd, 2024
I stayed up too late last night because I simply did not want to go to bed, and even though I'm sleepy today, it was worth it. The only thing I need to do today is make a (slightly fancied up) chili dog casserole, and even doing the chili from scratch, that'll be nothin'.
Games-wise, I continued my extremely incremental trek through Earthbound: Beginnings, finally going south of Podunk to find there was a healer there who could have restored my Psi points the whole time. Doing things the hard way did net me a good amount of EXP, so I don't regret the path I took. I am super irritated with myself for not exploring harder, though.

I did another short daily workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, and it is a much worse game on a hot and humid day than it is in any other sort of weather. Finishing without giving up or swearing at no one in particular made me feel accomplished, though, so I was happy.

From there, I did my somewhat less fancy mobile gaming, too. I left Merge Pixel running for a while, but got sick of it even as a focus tool at around lunchtime and clicked it off again. After a few days of login bonus scumming, I'm sure I'll give it a couple more days.

King of Prism Sparkling got more of my attention than it deserved, though, as I tried to figure out the somewhat baffling mascot system. Materials for levelling them are pretty limited, and their skill levelling system feels mysterious and random. It's not really a game system I feel like I need to engage with to succeed, but the point bonuses from them seem decent enough that it might be worth investigating further. If I don't figure it out, though, I'm not going to worry too much about it.

August 2nd, 2024
I'm doing a late and underwhelming "lunch break" post today, since I didn't have time to comfortably post this morning.
I kept going with Earthbound: Beginnings for about ten more minutes last night, walking back to Podunk, but forgot to take a screenshot! I was dead tired, so this isn't shocking, but I am annoyed at myself over it.
After watching Olympic gymnastics and seeing the athletes do some truly superhuman feats earlier that night, I went and did a light workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. It was somewhat less impressive than anything at the Olympics, but I really aced pretending to punch things for a little bit.

Aside from that, a lot of my gaming yesterday was using mobile games as fidgets when I needed to focus on what I was doing. I autobattled my way through an entire event in The Tale of Food, albeit a small one, and felt rather powerful for it. It was brain dead, but kind of satisfying.

I kept on clicking in King of Prism Sparkle, too, getting more "rare" cards and becoming ever more curious how the company running this game intends to make any money off of it. It's nice that I can play and succeed for free, even if it is mostly just a clicker game, but it makes this all rather mysterious.

I also had the urge to run Merge Pixel for a while, letting it run for a bit without making any real progress. At this point, the daily login bonuses are going to be more key to winning than actually letting the game go. I will defeat it yet.

I'm off to tackle the last couple of hours of work before the weekend from here! Hopefully, it'll go quickly.
July 30th, 2024
In just 9 and a half hours, a work day that AI employee scheduling software has done its best to make very unpleasant for me will be over, and I am very much looking forward to that. Until then, I'm taking things one task at a time!
I played another few minutes of Earthbound: Beginnings last night, getting to the first town and taking an embarassingly long time to figure out how to use my cash card. Tonight, I'm gonna try to tackle the first quest/dungeon!

During my lunch break, I forced myself to do a daily workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too. I didn't want to do it, but it wasn't so bad once I got started.

I kept going in King of Prism Sparkling, too, finally coming up against some of its limits as an idle game. I'd had such a long session Sunday morning that it was almost a relief to hit some "sit and wait" points last night. I gotta hire hundreds of idols to work at a cat cafe, for some reason, and funding such endeavors requires patience.

July 27th, 2024
I am still feeling worn down, which sucks, but I'm making a super nice pot of stew for a family dinner today, with boneless pork ribs, root veggies, and ginger, alongside a bunch of other stuff I threw in the pot. It smells really nice, and I am excited to inflict it on everyone!
Last night, I gave up on trying to find a more expansive game I'm interested in at the moment and just decided to roll with some casual games with cats in them. I'm kicking this off with Sudocats, which is sudoku with cats. I like sudoku and cats, so it would be hard to screw this up for me, and the developers did not screw it up. Plus, if you put a cat in the wrong space it scream meows, and I think all sudoku games would be better if logic was thrown aside and the numbers angrily mewed at your errors. I'm looking forward to a couple more play sessions with this!

Other than that, I beat another boss in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, which was satisfying! I only have one more left on this difficulty, and I'll move up to medium from there. It's nice to have this kind of variety in a fitness game.

July 26th, 2024
I'm here and posting, but don't have a lot to say. I do not have the right vibes to play something for multiple sessions lately, so I just did a round of Balatro last night. I got about halfway through, as always, and went to sleep.

I did a workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star earlier in the night, too, but had gotten sleepy again by then and had more missed punches than usual. It wasn't bad, but I was frustrated with myself.

The weekend is so close, yet so far away!
July 23rd, 2024
Today is a quick post for a challenging morning! Over the weekend, SNK vs Capcom: SVC Chaos shadow dropped for a bunch of current gen platforms, as an announcement during EVO. I was excited to finally try it, since I'd wanted to play it for years, and had a nice time for the first few minutes! I didn't really have the vibes for a fighting game yesterday, though, so I didn't get far.

I played a very small amount of Disney Illusion Island, too, but was too tired to go much further into it.

I actually did do a decent job of things in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, though, doing a short daily workout and a couple stages of battle mode. It made me feel powerful.

July 19th, 2024
I didn't have a bad day for productivity yesterday, and felt like I did a decent job at work. I didn't do great with games, though. I did a regular length workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, which wasn't so bad. Since I'm still feeling tired, though, I ended up feeling really sore and burnt out afterwards.

I couldn't decide on a normal game to play after that, so I fussed with The Tale of Food for a bit before bed. My party is still way too weak to take on the timed events, so I'm just going through the main story right now. The translation is very funky, with even basics like character names having some inconsistencies, but it's a relaxing time.

July 17th, 2024
My internet came back last night, so I can include screenshots again today! This won't really make my posts better, but I'll be more satisfied.
Last night, I polished off The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which, aside from the story having some truly bizarre and delightful nonsense, wasn't my favorite hidden object game. The areas to find stuff in were so empty that objects were way too easy to find, and the puzzles between the hidden object scenes weren't great, either. I did keep going because it's hard not to want to see how a game where Mr. Hyde has a favorite puppet shop in town ends, but the story was what kept me with it. It was completely worth the $1.99 I paid for it, though.

I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, which went a little better than Monday's had. Maybe if I just keep going, I can shake my tiredness.

July 16th, 2024
I lost internet in a lightning strike during some storms last night, so I'm doing a quick post from my phone this morning!
My gaming was not major last night, though, since I was a little fried after the storms left my area. I did get back into workout games with a quick daily workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. It was not fun yesterday, but it's no good to just sit around.
I kept going in The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, too, concluding that I am probably almost done, but also that this game has no sense of narrative pacing.
July 3rd, 2024
I don't know why I'm doing so badly this week, but at least I have Thursday and Friday off! Anyway, games!
I tried Honkai Star Rail last night. The turn based battles are neat!

My daily workout game was Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. I fought and defeated another boss, which was satsifying.

July 2nd, 2024
I was super unwilling to get out of bed today, and am not very enthusiastic about the idea of going to work, either. This will be a quick post.
I am in the mood to play some mobile games, so I tried SNK: All-Star Brawl last night. The gameplay's not scintillating, but the story is cute so far. I'll play it again for sure.

I used Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star for my daily workout game. My daily missions were pretty easy yesterday, so I did a free workout on top of them just to feel like I was doing enough to make the session worth it.

June 26th, 2024
Even though it was pretty early, I crashed hard after doing yesterday's post and still haven't quite recovered. It made yesterday a bit of an unpleasant struggle, and the tornado sirens going off didn't help. I did get through the next few missions in this month's Fashion Dreamer event, though, and am hoping to knock this whole thing out within the next few days.

I considered skipping a fitness game to curl up in a ball and space out, but did get a small burst of energy at night and tackled my daily missions in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. Thankfully, they were easy ones, so I could give it a good, solid 75% of my all.

I slept well, but still feel extremely tired this morning, so I'm hoping for a merciful work day. I don't think I'll get it, but I've only got three days until the weekend.
June 25th, 2024
I went to bed early last night and, thankfully, am feeling somewhat back to normal today. I spent so much of yesterday really spacing out that I almost felt guilty about it!
Because of that, I ended up taking it pretty easy with games yesterday. I ended up picking up Fashion Dreamer, to play this month's event before it's too late, and spent too much time messing with a new character to make any headway in the event itself. I'll do more of this today.

I defeated the second boss in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, but have to save up in-game currency to actually unlock him as a trainer. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but I wanted to see his unlockable outfits right away and was slightly disappointed that I could not

In non-gaming activities that I still post about here, I built a Nanoblock of Cinnamoroll, too. This is my third block set for Cinnamoroll, and is my least favorite. It's not bad, but the face doesn't have a "Sanrio look" to me at all. The eyes are maybe too lively. It's interesting to see different approaches to the same character, though, and this won't be the last Cinnamoroll I tackle.

I'm still kind of sleepy today, so I probably won't accomplish much. That is okay. I don't have to.
June 21st, 2024
Last night, I did two playthroughs on SNK Gals' Fighters, because it was fun and I wanted to. I'm just running through the characters by column on the character select screen, so I tackled Yuri's arcade mode first. I like Yuri as a character- I think she's funny, and she has a nice, classic, not too overboard design- so I try to use her in a lot of games. This invariably ends in me getting wrecked, because for whatever reason, her moveset and capabilities just don't click with me. Last night was no exception. I did get through to her ending, though, so I felt a little accomplished.

Shermie was next, and as a high schooler, these Neo Geo Pocket fighters were the first time I'd seen her. King of Fighters '99 was my first SNK fighter, so I initially missed the Orochi saga games entirely. Back then, I didn't like her because her name was weird, she was slow, and she wasn't cute. As an adult, however, I understand that being able to confidently throw someone across the room is much more important than being cute. Shermie is actually great.

Past that, I did some good ol' utility gaming. Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star led me into another regular length daily workout, and I zoned out through most of it, forgetting the start of a workout by the time I hit the end. I got through it, though, and that's what counts!

I also got a little overexcited playing fighting games late at night, so I turned on Love Colors to go to sleep. I was out after two screens. Doctors should know about the powers of this game.

June 20th, 2024
Yesterday, I pretty much stayed on the same game path I'd been on the day before. In SNK Gals' Fighter, I ran the arcade mode as Nakoruru, which was fun. I've played as Mai in piles of games for hundreds of rounds through the years, so last night, I was kind of able to sleepwalk through her playthrough. It's not like I've never played Samurai Shodown, but I've used Nakoruru infrequently enough that I didn't feel on such sure footing when I started last night. Getting her combos down and figuring out her speed and range gave me a better chance to explore what the game is offering, and it was still extremely zippy and fun.

I also had the energy to go back to Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star last night, but after looking at the daily missions, I ended up just doing a regular length daily workout set to clear them. Even if the gameplay is the same as plain Fitness Boxing for something like that, I like having different vibes to pick from when I'm pretending to punch for the day.

June 17th, 2024
It's super hot where I am today, but I don't have any dread about the approaching work day, so I'll take it.
My game stuff wasn't out of the ordinary at all yesterday. I put some more time into Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge before bed, while my apartment cooled down, and think I'm getting close to the end of the main game. I unlocked a beautiful new area, and built it up through the game's quest ladder, met lots of cute new frogs, and got a weird glitch where I accidentally erased a bunch of ponds in said new area trying to solve it. It wasn't too irritating, though since a game reset solved everything and let me open the menus again.

I also did my daily missions in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, which was daunting in summer heat on a day where I didn't feel so great. I made it through, and am happy I did, but was not thrilled to see "defeat 45 outlaws" pop up on my list.

June 16th, 2024
I just had a long-ish internet outage end, which wasn't so bad. When it started last night, I ended up playing Psycho Soldier, an arcade game with an early appearance from now-from-King of Fighters Athena. I'd actually played this before, back when it was a PSP Minis title, and didn't like it very well then. Now that I'm a bit better at games, I grabbed the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection off my shelf to give it another shot. I still didn't like it very well! The 4-tiers of platforms you bounce between don't work well with the agility a horizontal shooter requires, I feel like, and Athena getting killed in one hit makes this feel like a nasty, quarter munching slog. It is very cute, with some neat mecha-dragon-in-hell boss designs to boot, and Athena's song is impressive for the game's age! I don't hate this. It's maybe just not my jam.

Other than that, I was just playing my normal stuff for the day. I did my daily missions and then some in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, and felt pretty good after that.

I put a couple hours into Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, too, still mostly working within the Australian zone. It gave me a photo mission where the game doesn't seem to recognize that I'm getting both furniture items and the frog I need within my shop, which is a little frustrating. It's still so new, though, that maybe a bug fix is on the way. I do wish I'd gotten a better screenshot last night, though. I think the one I did get was accidental, since I was kind of sleepy and not really thinking about it.

June 15th, 2024
My allergies are so nasty today that I can barely keep my eyes open to do this post. It's not a treat! I've already made a salad for a cookout later, though, and done some studying, too. Maybe today won't be too bad!
I started the Australian frog habitat rehabilitation in Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, and felt like it added a pleasant "make money in this area to spend it in that one" balancing act in the game. Making and selling items does kind of take the focus off the cute frog buddies, but that's not terrible.

I did my daily missions in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, which was fun. Yesterday's set ended up being a lot lighter than the day before had been, but that was fine.

I ran Merge Pixel for a few hours, too, and did make some actual progress. I probably won't do much with it for the next couple of days, since I'm more worried about staying awake than productivity for now.

June 14th, 2024
I have today off work to go see a comedian later, so I'm currently trying to brush away my workweek stress! I did make my "cross 20 things off my to-do list" goal yesterday, mostly knocking off cleaning and housekeeping tasks. Today, I'm going to tackle some of the craft and hobby ones, which, naturally, is much more fun. I'd like to make a dent in my Japanese study ones, too. I haven't ever finished the list in the two months I've been doing it, but it's ok to have a direction to take things.
Anyway, last night, I cleared the first boss fight in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. It was very satisfying to punch a guy a lot, and the life bars and over the top special attacks were honestly all very motivating. It actually wore me out a bit, too, which I think is a good sign for a workout game.

I played quite a bit of Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, too, ticking off the goals the game gave me and making cute little frog friends. I shut it off to sleep right when it unlocked a wetland to rehab in Australia, which was an interesting twist, but I'll see what that's all about soon.

While I was trying to get stuff done, I had Merge Pixel running, too, clearing the screen every time I met a goal. I felt like I actually made a small dent in it, but it's still pure numbers-go-up nonsense.

June 13th, 2024
I've been way lazy the last few days, so I'm going to try to get back on track today. I want to knock at least 20 items off my weekly to-do list, which is less daunting than it sounds, and even if I'm just eating canned soup or something, I want to eat both lunch and dinner at home today. I know I can do this!
Last night, I wasn't very hardcore about gaming. I did my "daily missions" in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. The main one was to do three battle stages, and I got the "throw X number of perfect punches" and "get this many Great Combo" missions done while I was at it. Having a more game-ish feeling for basically the same workouts that Fitness Boxing 2 offered does work to switch things up for me, though I am curious to see what some of the other daily missions will be.

I was going to go to bed without playing more games last night, but my brain was way too buzzy to achieve that. I used a few stages of Love Colors to shut my brain up and got to sleep from there.

June 12th, 2024
This will be a quick morning post, since I decided to keep my fitness game streak going last night and nothing else. I tried Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star last night, though, and did end up playing quite a lot. It's basically the same game as Fitness Boxing 2, but with more 80s anime goofiness and a mode where you get to thrash wasteland punks. I unreservedly love it so far.

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