What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

DIY "Shareware Disc of Switch Software" Adventure

Pocket Quest (Switch)

February 27th, 2025

I'm getting a lunch break post done today, which is going to be nice later tonight! I actually did play a decent amount of stuff yesterday, though. I did a second playthrough as Shermie in SNK Gals' Fighter, finally getting my last character unlocked. I'll hopefully get this game finished off tonight.

I also tried out some stuff in pursuit of clearing my self-inflicted "finish some of what you've already got, dingbat!" bingo cards. There's spaces on two of them to play something on my Mac, so I tried out Luck Be a Landlord. It was fun, and I liked getting stuff I added to the slot machine to interact properly. The pixel art was really cute, too! Somewhat bizarrely, though, I lost mouse control during my third run. I have no idea why, but it made reading the symbol descriptions kind of a hassle. Hopefully, it's back the next time I play.

It's been a while since I last touched it, but I picked Puzzle Quest back up, too, to see if that might be a good candidate to clear. It's a bit boring, at least in the spot I'm at, so I don't know that I'll keep up with this right now. It's not a bad match-3 at its base, but I wish the battles had a little bit more tension.


September 28th, 2024

I had a little bit of energy back last night, but used all of it reading. I really got involved in A Night to Remember by Walter Lord, which is a very readable history of the Titanic's sinking. It's so crazy to think about how, even though 1912 seems so long ago, it was recent enough that I can click on my Kindle and pour over interviews with the survivors. History is neat!

I finished up The Big Bundle by Max Allan Collins, too, which was an efficent and tense true-crime based noir, and on the comics front, buzzed through The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine, which, so far, is a charming reincarnation story. I'm really fascinated with how these reincarnated heroine, saint, and villainess stories iterate on each other to, past just being ripoffs of one another, develop their own internal logic and genre conventions at such a quick pace. Plus, I like to read fluffy brain candy, so it's easy to indluge.

Anyway, I know this isn't a books blog, but it's kind of fun to share sometime. On the games front, I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. I started in on the new weekly events in Wixoss Multiverse, clearing all that I could without tossing real cash at the game.

I played a few levels in Pocket Quest, too, getting a weapon that could inflict burn damage and feeling massively powerful in my tile matching exploits.


September 23rd, 2024

I had to get up early for a blood test today, and, as always, I was unable to sleep because I knew I'd have to get up early. I am so sleepy it has become physically painful. It's okay, though. I've got this.

Yesterday, past my daily mobile game check-ins, I played a few Miku Exercise songs in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku. It was somewhat satisfying.

I kept going with Pocket Quest, too, and am having a pretty good time with it. It sounds like a backhanded compliment, and maybe it is, but this game was definitely worth 20 cents.


September 22nd, 2024

I am having an extremely difficult time the last few days and have no idea why! I'm trying to get back on track today, with some grocery shopping and meal prep to follow this post, but it feels super challenging.

None of what I'm posting about here is too bad, though. I built a tiny not-Lego of a computer while watching Youtube yesterday morning, and was very satisfied with how cute and 90s it is. The tiny bits might make it hard to display, since I have too many cheapo tables with lattice tops, but I'll figure that out.

I was a little too tired to do much gaming yesterday. I did play an hour or so of Wixoss Multiverse. This week's special character is really good, and I'd love to be lucky enough to gacha her, but don't think that's gonna happen. I'll play through her weekly missions, though, and see if I get anywhere.

I tried one of the Switch games I bought for 20 cents a few months back, too, called Pocket Quest. It's a pretty basic match-3 RPG, but I'm happy with that for now. Casual games are valuable in times of inexplicable tiredness.

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