What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Umurangi Generation (XBox Series S)
April 22nd, 2023
It's been a big morning so far- I crawled out of bed, bought an overpriced latte, and paid my bills, a flawless trifecta of tasks to complete for a Saturday morning. There's no telling what further wonders today shall hold.
Games-wise, I played Umurangi Generation for a few minutes last night. I really enjoy this game so far. It feels super easy to get a cool looking photo, and it's an interesting game world. I get super motion sick playing it, though, which is disappointing! I might try to keep it up one level at a time, with some mint tea at my side, but I'm not sure. Oh, well.

March 19th, 2023
Yesterday, I did more crafts and doodling than games, but ended up trying out Umurangi Generation on XBox Game Pass. I had some trouble with the controls at first, but thought it was really cool from the first level! I definitely plan on going back to this game; photography games are neat, and even though I haven't seen much yet, it seems like the environmental storytelling will be cool.

Today, I want to try Dragon Quest X Offline and see if I can start pulling vocab for study lists. I am not the smartest cookie, so it will be slow going. I have leftover lentils for lunch, will make some sort of hot dog adjacent monstrosity for dinner, and a working furnace, though, so I'm ready for the day!
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