What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Tron Evolution: Battle Grids (Wii)

July 3rd, 2023

I didn't do very well with games last night because I felt inexplicably nervous and overwhelmed. This morning, I still feel pretty bad, so I might try to finish some craft projects to try and lessen my "things to do" list later. Last night, though, I essentially froze up for a while because I hadn't kept up well with my Japanese study for a few days, and also because there were too many choices when it came to watching some Gundam. It was super normal.

After I had that somewhat solved, though, I ended up turning on my Wii to play Tron Evolution Battle Grids for a few minutes. It was kind of relaxing to play something where I moved around a bit, even though I'm still thrown by the thought of a Tron minigame collection where lightcycle battles are the worst minigame on offer. I chipped away a bit at story mode, though, and had a decent time. I wish story mode would have let me progress through certain games in a chunk, to binge play Hyper Ball, but I'm sure I'm unlocking stuff on the back end. This isn't a bad game to have in my rotation.

Much earlier in the day, I also cleared the daily raffle challenges in Disney Tsum Tsum. It was fun, but not super noteworthy.


May 16th, 2023

I'm still feeling really run down after yesterday, sleepy with a headache, but hopefully I won't have to work any, or at least as much overtime today. It was hard to sleep last night, too, but if I just spend enough days dead tired, I catch up with sleep eventually.

I did play Tron Evolution: Battle Grids again for a few minutes before bed. This is a Wii minigame collection, and I don't think it's bad for that at all. I've only touched a few of the minigames so far, and the lightcycles especially feel kind of clunky and disorienting. Last night, when I lost everything I tried, though, I got unceremoniously dumped back to the hub world. I'm betting I was hitting the wrong button or something, my brain being as mushy as it was, but I'll see if I was missing anything there in my next play session.


May 15th, 2023

This morning I had to go into work early for training, and had been so worried about sleeping the night before that I was barely able to sleep at all. I then got stuck in overtime at the literal last minute of my shift, forcing me into an 11-hour shift on no sleep. I am now so sleepy that I feel somewhat dizzy and disoriented, not to mention that I bought Little Caesars pizza on purpose! There's some game stuff I really want to write about, though, so I'm going to do my best here!

I did another couple runs in Sword of Fargoal yesterday, highlighting what's either an oddity of the game or the C64 Mini. Every time I reset the game, it "randomizes" the same way, so that my first go of a dungeon in a session will always have a character with 12 HP, 8 battle strength, and 1 healing potion. I should investigate if it keeps the second run the same each time, too, but for the fun of actually playing it, I ended up making a save state after losing my first run, to keep it rolling new characters to try.

I just genuinely struggled to open a Hi-Chew, so I'll keep tonight's writing about the other game I played, Tron Evolution: Battle Grids brief. I like Tron and the Wii motion controls in this don't feel too bad yet. I'll be more in depth about this after I get some sleep.

Good night, Neocities friends! Rest is important, and I hope you are all getting plenty of it.

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