What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Tiny Number Hunt (Switch)

May 5th, 2024

Right after doing my post here yesterday, I went over to my craft table and finished off Tiny Number Hunt. I actually liked this, even if the "find 1-9 in 30 pictures" concept made for a very short and simple game. It was relaxing, and a lot of the art was really pastel and cute. In the last 10 puzzles, the art style did totally change, which was jarring, but not terrible. I liked the first style better, but that's personal taste.

The control scheme for it was very strange, though! I'd actually gotten this when it came out to play before going to sleep, but the recommended control scheme is popping off the joycons and popping the Switch stand to play vertically. There's touch screen functionality, too, but that felt a little awkward to me. In and of itself, this isn't bad, but needing to get things set up made this a little harder to play on a whim.

Later in the night, I started Yoshi's Crafted World and ended up playing for over an hour longer than I'd intended. It's so cute, and since my family had an SNES when I was in grade school, I always have room for Yoshi. Chucking an egg at a Shyguy gives me great satisfaction. Getting through a few more levels of this is my only gaming goal for today.

Right before bed, I then switched back to Calm Colors as my "come on, let's pass out already" game. It's still a color-by-numbers, from the same developer as Love Colors, no less, but I just don't like it as well. It's fine, though, and I'll stick with it a few more days.


May 4th, 2024

Yesterday, I played casual games only, but not in casual amounts. I spent a lot of time last night playing a cute little hidden object game I had stashed on my Switch, Tiny Number Hunt. One of my goals today is to finish it, so I'll talk more about it tomorrow. The whole game is just finding the numbers 1-9 in drawings, though. The numbers aren't super well hidden, but the art is cute and I felt like I could zone out nicely playing it. Since I was irritated about my internet being out, a laid back game was good.

I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing 2, too, which went well. I unlocked some new clothes for my trainer after the session, which was very satisfying, so I'll toss her in them next time I play. Plus, this means I met my fitness game goal for the week!

I also played Love Colors for a few minutes, and my interest in it hit a sudden wall. Oh, well! I have other games to play when I need to get myself to sleep, so I'll switch to something different for a bit.

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