What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Sudocats (Switch)
August 24th, 2024
I'm feeling very accomplished as I post today, having gotten my Intellivision Flashback page customization done a small bit ago and having cleared Sudocats last night! Overall, Sudocats was maybe a bit easy, which is fine for a game I mostly played while dozing off. It was very short, too, especially compared to the massive Sudoku collections that were around in the DS era. That's basically fine, though. This was a 2 dollar game that I picked up because cats are good, and I definitely got two dollars worth of puzzle solving out of it. This was fine.

While thinking about the Intellivision for today's design work, I plugged in my little Flashback console and played some of Space Armada which, legally, is 100% not techically Space Invaders. The first round of this I played felt really terrible, making me wonder why Matell would even bother releasing such a bad knockoff cart, but as I kept restarting, over and over, it kind of grew on me. The sprites feel way too big to me, but the controls got more tolerable as I went. It still felt "off," but it wasn't as bad as I first thought.

I did quite a lot of level grinding in King of Prism Sparkling, too, mostly letting it run and clicking every few minutes so I could gather EXP and level up my skaters. I'll likely do this some more today.

August 23rd, 2024
I was immensely sleepy last night, so I just played Sudocats a little more. My goal for today is to finish this off, which seems very doable.

August 22nd, 2024
Today's post'll be another quick one because I was just playing Sudocats again. I really do only have a few puzzles left at this point, so I'll probably finish it in the next couple of days. The cats haunt me, though. I'm way better at this during the day, when I can remember all 9 cats I'm dealing with, than at night, when I never quite have that down, but night's when I've got time to play.

August 21st, 2024
I was ultra tired and still zoomed in on manga last night, so I had a very casual gaming night. I did a couple more stages in Sudocats, finally finishing the bonus puzzles and getting steered back towards the main game.

I also spent just a ridiculous amount of time on King of Prism Sparkling relative to what this game actually has on offer. It was shallow, but really relaxing, too! It's nice to chill.

August 20th, 2024
I wanted to read manga last night, so I didn't do much gaming. I did play a couple puzzles in Sudocats, though, then fell asleep until I heard a weird noise at 4am and became weirdly convinced that it was aliens destroying my mid-sized Midwestern city. Luckily, that doesn't seem to have gone down.

August 15th, 2024
It was kind of hard to get moving and do anything yesterday, so I ended up just doing another puzzle and a half in Sudocats. I was so sleepy I couldn't remember what all 9 of the cats I was dealing with were from line to line, so that added some challenge. I'll have this game done soon, though.

August 13th, 2024
I'm doing a quick post ahead of work today, and since I had to work late last night, there's not much to write about. I got back to Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star with a single 15 minute workout session. It wasn't awesome, but it was better than nothing, too.

I did two more puzzles in Sudocats, too, finding that a game of this sort is harder if you take your glasses off and subsequently forget you have done so.

August 12th, 2024
Last night, even though it is a mediocre game that runs badly on Switch, I spent a bit of time on Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash, honestly having quite a nice time. Low expectations helped a lot, and it's also casual enough to play when I'm stressed or tired.

I knocked out another bonus puzzle in Sudocats, and am definitely getting two dollars worth of play out of it.

I played King of Prism Sparkling for a while, too, but am a little disappointed there hasn't been another event yet. Yes, it did break the game when they tried to implement the last one, but still, it would be fun to have another minigame like the match-3 from the first event to play.

August 11th, 2024
Today's post is going to be kind of lame! I bounced around between Saturn games for a while yesterday, feeling that everything I tried was cool enough to play a bit more in depth later. This was fun for sure, but left me without anything notable to write about for the day. I did play Sudocats a notable amount yesterday, though, and since I did so during the day, I made some actual progress.

I'm feeling some weird stress about my weekly work lunches, so defeating this is going to be my main challenge for the day. I'm sure I've got this, though!
August 10th, 2024
I am struggling super hard with focus today, so getting this post done has been an uphill battle involving lots of looking at recipes, playing video games, reading fifty pages of Dickens, and trying to make a good cup of instant coffee. It was all decently successful, but not what I set out to do.
I mentioned it at the end of yesterday's post, but I suddenly got my hands on a way to play many Saturn games. There's a lot of good, interesting games in the set I now have at my disposal, but I jumped at Street Fighter: Real Battle on Film, or, more elegantly, Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game. I spent most of my playtime complaining that Chun-Li was in a red outfit and not a blue one, which is clearly a crime against humanity which may never be forgiven. Honestly, though, even though it's a clunky game that looks dumb, I had fun. It's cheesy enough to be kind of charming, and it definitely played all right. I want to check out some of the other Saturn games I've come into, but will probably come back to this at some point.

Before going to sleep, I played a little more of Sudocats, too. It occurred to me this morning that a puzzle game requiring some amount of logic probably isn't a good choice to play when I'm dead tired, but this is simply how things sometimes go.

August 9th, 2024
Today, I'm starting to feel slightly better, but am at an enthusiasm level of zero. It's not the best circumstance for doing a blog post, but that is okay.
I did start playing Long Live the Queen last night, which was a lot more interesting than I expected. From the look of it, I thought it would be a cute, fluffy raising sim, but the second it allowed me to, I became such a power hungry, murderous tyrant that I truly felt I deserved my bad end. I'm excited to see how else I can meet my destruction in this game!

Everything else I played yesterday was pretty par for the course. I did some guild events in King of Prism Sparkling, since it's nice to destroy other magical ice skaters for the common good.

I finished the puzzle I've spent days emptily struggling against in Sudocats, too, only to find that this bonus puzzle seems to have been miles harder than the rest. Oh, well!

Anyway, halfway through doing this post, I got a very above board Sega Saturn memory card with a lot of games loaded onto it, so I might have some strange games to post about tomorrow. Not coincidentally, I have regained some of my enthusiasm for being awake. It's strange how that works!
August 8th, 2024
I'm still way under the weather today, which kind of sucks for a day off work. I'll do my best to enjoy it, though.
Honestly, I played King of Prism Sparkling the most yesterday, because half-hearted clicking is easy when I'm tired. Even there, I skipped some of the training mode stuff that asks for more screen taps or faster screen taps, but I kept my little idol town running for another day.

I played Sudocats for a few minutes, too, but shut it off pretty fast again. I'm not focused enough for sudoku right now, cats or not.

Today, I want to see if I can get peppy enough to play a workout game for at least a few minutes, so I can meet my weekly goals. If I can't get there, though, I'll try for multiple play sessions Friday or Saturday. I'll see how it goes!
August 7th, 2024
I didn't post this morning because I wasn't feeling well, but, blaming allergies, went to work thinking the filtered air in the office would help me feel better. It didn't, and my brain went to absolute mush pretty fast. Even worse, I sniffled while doing customer support, and my super nice caller noticed that I wasn't feeling well. I went home halfway through the day, grabbed some sudafed on the way, and am pepped up enough to do this now.
I wasn't feeling good last night, either, though, so I just stared blankly at Sudocats for ten minutes or so before rolling over and trying to sleep. It doesn't make for a rip-roarin' blog post, but it wasn't a bad choice.

From here, I'm gonna try to take it easy, but I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow with something! I have the next two days off, so of course I'm feeling crummy ahead of that. Oh, well!
August 6th, 2024
I'm starting to have nights of bad sleep stack, which is never great. This'll be a short post today! I did do about a puzzle and a half in Sudocats last night, getting a little dragged down by my own sleepiness.

I spent a little time with King of Prism Sparkling, too, exhausting all my energy in the higher than is reasonable stack of game systems before trying to sleep. The event that was causing trouble on Sunday had totally vanished yesterday, so I'm curious as to if it will come back.

July 28th, 2024
I'm feeling a little better today, so I've spent a lot of the day trying to power through household chores so far. It's not too bad, and I'm gonna get myself a little fast food dinner as a treat. I've been trying to make myself nice bentos again, which has made it super easy to avoid takeout during the week, so I don't feel bad about eating some good ol' fashioned trash tonight at all!
This is a games blog, though, and I did play some games last night! I'm still trying to get something to stick for long term play, so I tried Earthbound: Beginnings last night. I still felt kind of detached playing it, but since I got to beat up a lamp, I'll come back to it.

I did a couple more puzzles in Sudocats, too, finally getting to the traditional 9x9 sudoku setup. It's still super pleasant to play.

July 27th, 2024
I am still feeling worn down, which sucks, but I'm making a super nice pot of stew for a family dinner today, with boneless pork ribs, root veggies, and ginger, alongside a bunch of other stuff I threw in the pot. It smells really nice, and I am excited to inflict it on everyone!
Last night, I gave up on trying to find a more expansive game I'm interested in at the moment and just decided to roll with some casual games with cats in them. I'm kicking this off with Sudocats, which is sudoku with cats. I like sudoku and cats, so it would be hard to screw this up for me, and the developers did not screw it up. Plus, if you put a cat in the wrong space it scream meows, and I think all sudoku games would be better if logic was thrown aside and the numbers angrily mewed at your errors. I'm looking forward to a couple more play sessions with this!

Other than that, I beat another boss in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, which was satisfying! I only have one more left on this difficulty, and I'll move up to medium from there. It's nice to have this kind of variety in a fitness game.

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