What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS4)
May 23rd, 2023
Today is a pretty simple post, since I decided it was more important to eat a morning peanut butter and jelly sandwich than it was to make a good post here. I was pretty sleepy last night, so my first effort to gain further ground in Dragon Quest X Offline ended in an unplanned 45 minute nap. After regrouping, I set a timer and played for 20 more minutes of text box action, leaving off in the middle of a cutscene.

A couple hours later, I played a bit of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night before bed, a game that I've watched more than I've actually played. It was late, so a lot of my playtime was spent scumming EXP before a boss. Someday, I shall perhaps actually fight that boss.

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