What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

SNK: All-Star Brawl (Android)

July 9th, 2024

My power levels are low today, and that's okay. Yesterday wasn't a very exciting game day. I'm not going to post about my mobile games when I'm just doing my daily quests, but'll go back and forth on what I play with more focus for the night. I ended up trying the Samurai Shodown IV event in SNK: All-Star Brawl and got destroyed. With the level of time and focus I'm willing to put in, I might be able to better jump in on the next event.

I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing 2, too, getting an achievement for number of punches thrown. I'd still like to 100% this game's list of achievements, but doing 100 workouts with each trainer is going to be a slog.

I also got set on clearing Merge Pixel again, leaving it running while my numbers went up. I hardly made any progress at all, but will admit that, even though I'm more chipping away at it than actually playing, I do think I'll eventually clear this by force of attrition.


July 6th, 2024

Help, I am panicking today! My only task for a dinner tonight is to cut a lot of vegetables, but my hands are shaking too much to cut vegetables! It is not an enjoyable feeling!

Games are ok, though! I am still slogging along in Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, despite not really enjoying it, because the end of each 10 minute level has a cute setpiece like Tuxedo Mask spinning around in an office chair that keeps me playing. I think I'm halfway through now, and I might try to buckle down and get this game over with today.

Nothing else was that special from there, I got off the space station in Honkai Star Rail, but maybe should have stayed longer to do some sidequests.

I did a light daily workout in Fitness Boxing 2, too, since I felt kind of exhausted and didn't want to do more than that. It was fine, but I was tired enough that it felt really tedious.

I kept going in Assault Lily Last Bullet W, too, still feeling weirdly entranced by something being tied into source material I barely know. Gatcha-ing screen shots from a TV anime next to the more bespoke fancy illustrations is kind of charming.

Lastly, I played some more SNK All-Star Brawl before bed, trying to come to terms with this game's wild number of systems. It's not enough to make me quit, but there might be too much to this game.

My current interest level in being awake and continuing with today is zero, but it is difficult to get off the path now. Coffee's not gonna make my hand shaking worse, so I'll get caffinated and do my best.


July 5th, 2024

I played a lot of games yesterday, so I'll get right into it here. Currently, I'm working towards clearing Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, an arcade beat-em-up, on my Miyoo Mini+. I'm just playing this because I saw it browsing through the arcade emulators and like Sailor Moon, so there's nothing significant about this choice. In the first two levels, though, it's a clunky feeling game where enemies do unnecessary damage, although it is one with beautiful sprite art. I'll keep going with it today.

I beat my first big boss in Honkai Star Rail, too, and was kind of impressed by how nice and setpiece-y the whole thing was. If I wasn't worried about being at least mildly productive, I would have kept going in this, but it seemed to be introducing a new mode that seemed like it could be relatively in depth, so I ditched for the day.

From there, I wanted to mix things up for my workout game of the day, so I went back to Fitness Circuit, which I hadn't played in months. It completely destroyed me, but as I stood before my TV, dripping in sweat, it told me I could have a new outfit for my trainers as a special gift. That made it all okay.

The rest of my gaming for today was just in standard mobile games. I thought it would be interesting to pick some gacha games to document here when I got my new tablet this week, and one of my choices on that front was Assault Lily Last Bullet W. I didn't really think it would be good, but I was kind of fascinated by the idea of launching a mobile game for a one cour anime that aired years ago in a competitive marketplace. It was even messier than I thought it would be. Downloading the game resources took over an hour of starting and stopping, and once I got in, the amount of login bonuses it handed out was totally overwhelming. There's way too many events going on here at once! I shall embrace the chaos.

I also plugged along in SNK All-Star Brawl, but got too distracted by some new mini-games that unlocked as part of the story mode to get much further in the story mode. I only have a very simple take on darts so far, but it looks like more minigames will unlock as I level up. It makes as much sense as anything, and it's a cute little side mode.

Bribing myself to do things with video game access went well yesterday, so I'll probably do the same today. It leads to longer posts, but on the weekend, that's fine.


July 4th, 2024

Happy 4th of July, other Americans reading this on the fourth, and a very nice Thursday to everyone else! I'm posting a little late today, but it's because I went to eat Indian food and go see a movie with my mom. We're supposed to have storms where I am tonight, so I'm not doing any big July 4th celebrations.

I am glad to have the energy to do a real post today, though! Last night, I kept going in Honkai Star Rail, which I started because a fellow Neocities webmaster, Gummy, is doing a Stream Elements collab with them for their Twitch. Their Neocities page is here, the Twitch channel is here, and the Honkai Star Rail collab link is here!

I'm liking Honkai Star Rail better than I thought I would so far. Before starting this blog, I tried Genshin Impact, and it left me feeling a little flat. The sci-fi set dressing and turn based battles here are way more to my taste, though, and I'm actually somewhat interested to see where the story goes. I do want to play until I hit level 8, to hit the stream bonus, but I also think I'll keep playing past that, too. I at least want to see if it lets me leave the space station!

In terms of more traditional gacha games, I also played some more of SNK: All-Star Brawl, having used my copious amount of early game pulls to get an interesting team. For games like this, I'll probably only post about them when I do something other than nabbing daily quests and login bonuses. I don't pay into mobile games, so my gacha pulls will be way too boring to fill posts. I did some story mode stuff last night, though, helping Kyo work through his family conflict, so it ended up being post worthy.

I also did my daily workout game session in Fitness Boxing 2, going that route because it seemed low maintenance when I scrolled through my Switch menu. Right now, I'm not really achievement chasing too seriously in this, but if I get through 100 workouts with Karen, my current trainer, that's an achievement in and of itself. Everything is progress!

As far as today goes, my eyes are super puffy and itchy, so I am going to use game access as a way to bribe myself into being even slightly productive. I should have another decent post tomorrow!


July 2nd, 2024

I was super unwilling to get out of bed today, and am not very enthusiastic about the idea of going to work, either. This will be a quick post.

I am in the mood to play some mobile games, so I tried SNK: All-Star Brawl last night. The gameplay's not scintillating, but the story is cute so far. I'll play it again for sure.

I used Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star for my daily workout game. My daily missions were pretty easy yesterday, so I did a free workout on top of them just to feel like I was doing enough to make the session worth it.

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