What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Princess Peach: Showtime! (Switch)

April 2nd, 2024

I'm doing a super quick post before work today, after not wanting to get out of bed and some computer troubles. I built two mecha models yesterday, both from the 30 Minute Missions line. I didn't plan to build two, but after doing one, I determined it would be really cool for it to have another robot to fight, so I went for it.

I also played Princess Peach: Showtime! a bit more, trying out a few more of her role transformations and overall just having a nice time.


April 2nd, 2024

Today is my birthday, so I am posting as I drink my free Starbucks and worry about a surprise apartment inspection tomorrow. The inside of my head is not as fun as I try to make it look here!

Yesterday was fun, though. My family bought me a sushi dinner, and I went to see Late Night With the Devil, which was a fun high concept horror movie. It had some great 70s style "technical difficulties" TV station screens.

I felt like I needed to get a lot done, though, so I did a couple of Sanrio off-brand Legos in the midst of all that. The top one, a Hello Kitty pool set, was actually a lot more detailed than I expected, and had a couple fiddly bits I had trouble snapping together. It came out well, though, I think. The second one, My Melody, was pretty straightforward, but cute. The colors in these photos are a little yellowish, since it's been gloomy out and I used artificial light to get them, but the pink blocks in the My Melody set were the perfect shade.

Game-wise, I played Princess Peach: Showtime! the most, clearing out the Swordfighter levels and going back for 100% of the collectibles in the first of them. I was a little disappointed to have such a fun ability set off the board so quickly, but the designers had to use something to illustrate the setup.

I also tried Roller Katz BF Episode 1, an indie platformer I'd picked up on sale in the Switch eShop. I'm not sure about the character designs, and I did a bit of clipping through stuff in my few minutes playing, but making my character flip around against the bright blue, filled with fluffy clouds sky was a defininte pleasure. It's interesting to see what individuals are making with the tools to make 3D platformers at their disposal.


April 1st, 2024

It's a new month, and I feel like, at least in terms of this website, I did pretty well in March. I cleared five games, even though most of them were extremely short affairs, and also cleared my one game on GamePass finished and one RPG finished goal. For April, I'm going to aim to clear four games again, and if I don't manage, it won't be a big deal.

Yesterday, I got my birthday presents a bit early at Easter lunch, which was an unexpected delight. One of them was a copy of Princess Peach: Showtime, so I played five levels of that last night. It's so cute, and the game really goes for it with the on-stage theme! I love all the "handmade" sets, and really like that some of the stage elements are being held up by visible strings. Six year old me would have loved this, and adult me is pretty pleased with it so far, too.

I'm not sure how my game-time will go today, but I don't have to work, so I'll play something.

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