What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Sega Ninja/Ninja Princess (Astro City Mini)
March 3rd, 2025
I'm doing a lunch break post today so that I may more effectively be useless later. I'm excited for it!
Yesterday, I got around to trying the Astro City Mini that I'd gotten a pretty good deal on the week before last. It's a really nice little machine, which an excellent clicky joystick and quite a few games to explore. Yesterday I tried Sega Ninja or Ninja Princess- the title was different on the game selection and title screens- but I didn't enjoy it at all. Having different shooting buttons for shooting shuriken straight ahead and shooting them in 8-directions felt really strange and confusing, and the one-hit kills felt rough. I might come back to this because I'm mad at it now, and wish to see it defeated, but it won't be a priority.

While I was on my exercise bike, I picked Lost Grimoires, a hidden object adventure game I'd dropped for a few months, back up. The story is simple enough that I was able to get back into it fast, and even though it's pretty easy, solving the simple puzzles makes me feel like a smart cookie. I've heard this is a shorter one, so I might finish it tonight. I have a couple of other games in this vein lined up, so that would be totally fine.

I was able to continue my fighting game character clearing streak, too, running through Kirby's classic mode in Smash Bros. Ultimate. I spent more time messing with photo mode than fighting. Kirby is so cute, and it was really important to take the time to appreciate him! The camera mode is very neat, too, with a lot more options than I expected. Of course I'm looking forward to more classic mode clears, but the screenshots will be just as fun.

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