What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Psycho Soldier (Switch)

June 16th, 2024

I just had a long-ish internet outage end, which wasn't so bad. When it started last night, I ended up playing Psycho Soldier, an arcade game with an early appearance from now-from-King of Fighters Athena. I'd actually played this before, back when it was a PSP Minis title, and didn't like it very well then. Now that I'm a bit better at games, I grabbed the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection off my shelf to give it another shot. I still didn't like it very well! The 4-tiers of platforms you bounce between don't work well with the agility a horizontal shooter requires, I feel like, and Athena getting killed in one hit makes this feel like a nasty, quarter munching slog. It is very cute, with some neat mecha-dragon-in-hell boss designs to boot, and Athena's song is impressive for the game's age! I don't hate this. It's maybe just not my jam.

Other than that, I was just playing my normal stuff for the day. I did my daily missions and then some in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, and felt pretty good after that.

I put a couple hours into Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, too, still mostly working within the Australian zone. It gave me a photo mission where the game doesn't seem to recognize that I'm getting both furniture items and the frog I need within my shop, which is a little frustrating. It's still so new, though, that maybe a bug fix is on the way. I do wish I'd gotten a better screenshot last night, though. I think the one I did get was accidental, since I was kind of sleepy and not really thinking about it.

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