What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Pokemon Violet (Switch)
March 11th, 2023
Today's post is kind of lame again, in the midst of movie time. I'm trying to do some last minute cramming for the Academy Awards tomorrow, like cramming for an exam in a class I'd only bothered with half-heartedly. I've seen quite a few nominees already, but feel like I could do better. I'm watching All That Breathes now, a documentary about bird rescue in New Delhi, and last night, did a double feature of Tar and Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, which was powerful whiplash. I think I can get at least two more watched today, too, and a couple before the awards tomorrow. It's maybe pointless, but fun!
That being said, my game progress yesterday kind of sucked. I played a whole one round of Disney Tsum Tsum, a big two minutes to document here.

I also went, like, halfway down a road in Pokemon Violet. I will say, the rain effect bothers me in this game- it gives everything a weird, shiny, rubbery texture. It doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game, I just think it makes my trainer's hat look weird.

I'm off to finish my movie and meet coworkers for lunch at Applebees. Life in the midwestern USA gets wild.
March 10th, 2023
I'm posting late and a little half-heartedly today. Work was a lot, I went grocery shopping, and now I've got my computer out as I watch Tar. It's not the best way to post to a website or watch a movie, but I'm not failing at either.
I played Disney Tsum Tsum more last night and got a bit further in the event that's going on. I wasn't playing very hard, so it was low stress and enjoyable.

I had a really brief play session of Pokemon Violet, too, just doing some small levelling up stuff.

It's the start of a three day weekend tonight, so I'm a bit excited to relax!
March 9th, 2023
A couple of Switch games I had on order from PlayAsia shipped last night, so I ended up playing Pokemon Violet, to see if I can clear at least the main quests before they pop up in my mailbox. I've got a while, but am not sure my focus allows for this- I spent an hour trying to catch a lot of Eevee in an early game area rather than making anything that resembled progress. It was honestly pretty relaxing and nice. Repetitive or not, it's so cute to see your trainer interact with all the Pokemon around!

January 17th, 2023
This'll be a quick post, since I feel down about getting back to work today, with all the non-voluntary late work I've been getting, and had trouble getting out of bed.
Yesterday there was a super sudden tornado warning, complete with sirens going off outside and my phone sending alerts inside. I don't have a basement, and there was no watch beforehand to get to one, like usual, so I kind of huddled away from a window and played StrikeForce Kitty for an hour to distract myself without actually having to think. It was actually great EXP gathering progress, too.

The tornado stuff turned out to be a dud, but still kind of blew my plans for the day. Before bed, then, I played Pokemon Violet for a while, doing some trainer battles and Pokemon catching along one of the routes.

Then, from there, I put together a few easy puzzles in Calm Colors and went to sleep.

January 14th, 2023
Last night, I got another late call and ended up working a 12 hour shift. I ate dinner at 11 pm and stayed up too late because it was the wrong time for food, then overslept and have super sore arms and legs today. I am gonna try to take it super easy this weekend, which shouldn't be too hard.
I did play Pokemon Violet some last night and had fun just zipping around and fighting random battles. Tarountula is levelling up so slow, though, that it's driving me crazy. I could, like, just not do a bug trainer run, but I don't get the same amount of joy from good in-game choices, so I'm going to keep level grinding here.

January 12th, 2023
I'm not very energetic this morning, so this'll be a short post. Yesterday was a pretty good movie day- I watched Escape From New York in the afternoon, then went to see Shin Ultraman that night- but not such a good games day.
I played StrikeForce Kitty a bit in the morning, since my Switch was just next to me after I posted here, gathering more EXP.

Then, I played some Pokemon Violet, giving a Tera Raid a shot and buying some new accessories for my trainer. It was fun.

January 9th, 2023
I was a little peppier than I have been yesterday, but game wise, only played a few minutes of Pokemon Violet, beating the first gym.

This morning, I'm zero energy, zero pep again, but since I took Wednesday off, I'm hoping the split work week gives me another quick chance to recharge. If not, there's probably not a lot to be done.
January 7th, 2023
This is a very low intensity post this morning! I had to work late, though not by much, and rush to do all my errands before the stores closed last night, so in the end, I only played Pokemon Violet for twenty minutes or so before bed. I'm thinking of playing with a majority bug team, so my goal for the night was to catch a female Combee. It had been a hassle in earlier games, but this time, I walked out of the town I was in, and there one was, in a cute little swarm. I caught it, wandered around the town, saved, and shut the game off.

January 6th, 2023
My hands are shaking really badly this morning! It's a bit of a yikes situation. I'm doing a little better today overall, though- I got the ice pre-scraped off of my car to run errands later, and did a little bathroom cleaning before sitting down to post.
Last night, though, I was so tired and burned out feeling that I didn't play much. I did about half an hour in Pokemon Violet and evolved my Spewpa into a lovely Vivillon with pixel art flower wings. A Pokemon being cute easily sways me as to determining its worth in battle.

January 5th, 2023
My energy level is still at absolute zero today, but I should be able to fake being cheerful on the phones at work.
I finished Cube Escape: Seasons despite getting weirdly stuck on a puzzle that turned out to be pretty simple. I don't know if I think this was super special in and of itself, but am still curious to see where the next few games in the series go.

In Pokemon Violet, I managed to actually look at the map and made my way to the next town, catching many Pokemon along the way.

Plus, I did a bit of idle levelling in StrikeForce Kitty, raising a couple of stats and hopefully getting closer to the power required to finish the game.

January 4th, 2023
I'm so tired that it feels hard to post today, despite sleeping ok, but I don't have anything too complicated to say, so it's ok.
One of my coworkers yesterday recommended a series of escape room games she'd spent the weekend on called Cube Escape, and made it sound interesting enough that I wanted to try it. There was a free hub app with 9 of them free to play on the Google Play store, so it seemed super low risk. I started with the first one, Cube Escape: Seasons last night, and played about half of it. I'd never played an escape room game before, though! Are they all just small scale PC style adventure games? It's kind of interesting.

I played Pokemon Violet for a bit, too, exploring and catching a Magikarp.

January 3rd, 2023
Today is a super fast post before an office day, because I don't feel good and don't have my stuff together.
I started playing Mansion of Hidden Souls on my Genesis Mini 2 last night, which was interesting and strange. I went to dinner before I could get very far, though.

I also spent some time on Pokemon Violet, getting to the point where the game opens up for me to actually go fight gyms and stuff.

January 2nd, 2023
I'm posting today on a glorious day off of work, in which I plan to do very little and enjoy it. Last night, I tried playing Clay Fighter on my Genesis Mini 2, which I did not enjoy. I used to have the SNES version, and remember feeling super indifferent towards it then, but since there's only 8 characters, clearing it as everyone seemed like a doable game to polish off for the week. However, I could not get myself to care enough to clear it even as one of them. The dithering on the digitized models looked super sloppy in motion, the music was weird and tinny, and when I was fighting the final boss, I got bored rather than pleasantly frustrated. I don't really mind a mediocre fighting game, but Clay Fighter is not for me.
I'll probably turn it on again, though, because I feel like I ought to be able to beat it as at least one character.

Pokemon Violet was actually enjoyable, which is always a good feature in a game. I backtracked and did some trainer battles and Pokemon catching that I'd skipped out on while heading to the first city. There's so many different Pokemon already that I feel like I've got a nice amount of team building options ahead of the first gym.

Of course, I continued my fruitless quest to defeat StrikeForce Kitty, too, clearing two secret levels and getting roundly demolished by the third one I tried. It was still kind of fun, and I can't believe how much I'm playing this for a free game. It's nice!

January 1st, 2023
Happy new year, everyone! I don't know that I feel it's special to have started 2023, other than that my calendar for this year is much cuter than the one for last. I'm excited to keep this blog going for another year, though. In 2023, I'm hoping to clear a game a week, even if the majority of the games I clear end up being 20 minute long kinetic novels from itch.io. There's no big reason why I have this goal. It just seems fun, and like a good way to get through some of the shorter games I have around.
I also want to clear a full game in Japanese this year, which is slightly more daunting. My vocab is good enough that I think I can do it, but my confidence is the issue. I'll see how it goes!
Last night was pretty fun, but my power started flickering close to midnight, so I retreated to my room to play Switch. My rushing to the salon in Pokemon Violet paid off for sure, and I got a player character I'm happier with. (The game can't render her freckles unless it's a super close up of her, though! Isn't technology grand?) Now, I get to backtrack and do some battles and catch Pokemon in my next section, for the prize money to buy her more hats and shoes. That's what this game is about, right?

I continued my endless levelling in StrikeForce Kitty, too, with a wiki helping me out with some of the character teams. I don't know Mortal Kombat very well, so it was a super helpful assist! I'm tackling some secret levels rather than the final standard level, just to mix things up a bit.

From here, I think I'm going to try to go to the craft store in the strip mall next door and get a new sketchbook for the year. It's a really big plan; I'll have to walk nearly 500 feet! I hope all of you have such adventure at hand, too.
December 31st, 2022
This is my last post of 2022, which feels very crazy! With everything else, I'm pretty indifferent about the year switching over, but I'm excited that I managed to keep this website going from May clear until now. I'm hoping to keep it up nicely for 2023, too!
As far as gaming went yesterday, I ate one too many cream cheese and shrimp rolls at a Thai restaurant last night, which was both a brilliantly tasty and deeply regrettable choice, landing me in bed sooner than expected. Before going to sleep, I did some more levelling up in StrikeForce Kitty, the game which I cannot set aside until it is complete. I've got a couple things I want to try in it today, to see if I can boost my power better at all, but if I fail, it's not like I'm going to quit.

I also kept going on some of the early story stuff in Pokemon Violet and felt continually pleased by the good, sunny vibes. Plus, I caught a Hoppip, which I, reasonably, responded to by saying "CUTE!" out loud to my Switch. I tend to like grass Pokemon best, and while Hoppip is not in my top 3 for the type, it is still an exceptionally good little buddy. The competition is super fierce.

I don't super plan to play games in moderation today, so I'm looking forward to posting tomorrow!
December 30th, 2022
Today is my last day of work before a three day weekend, and (maybe) a short one at that. I have my doubts about how well it will go, but that is okay.
Last night, I turned on Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories and hit a stealth mission that's a triple whammy of bad lighting, bad camera, and funky controls, with the added bonus that the mission's theme is escaping drunks that plan to assault you. With Pokemon Violet over on my game shelf, I decided I didn't want to put up with it.

So, I turned on Pokemon Violet and proceeded to waste a lot of time with the character creator. I'm already, even after 10 minutes of gameplay, itchy to start the game over to redo my look. Once it got going, I had a big feeling that it didn't suit the character I'd made at all! I know that I can change hairstyles and eyes later in the game, though, so I'm going to do the "reasonable" thing and wait to switch looks rather than doing a restart.

Alas, my determination to defeat StrikeForce Kitty still has not subsided. I repeated some EXP heavy levels a few times each and shut the game off.

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