What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Pokemon Puzzle League (Nintendo Switch Online)
September 29th, 2024
I feel like last week, I did an extremely bad job of accomplishing things, as I did the week before. I want to try to turn that around next week, but don't have the world's highest hopes that I'll be able to. Still, I'll give it a shot! I have a somewhat big, at least conceptually, cross stitch project I want to try, and plan to get back to studying Japanese well, too. If I don't pull it off, though, that's okay, too!
As far as games go, I continued my inexplicable dedication to Wixoss Multiverse yesterday, plodding through piles of "give us money!" menus to make my anime girls rush murder towers and fight dinosaur riders.

It wasn't a major games day, so other than that, I did some extremely bad play in Pokemon Puzzle League while I was sleepy.

I cleared some item merging missions in Prison Noctis, too, but felt somewhat frustrated that my little merge board was getting cluttered. I think the game wants me to buy storage so I can tidy it up, but I don't intend to do that.

August 10th, 2023
As of today, I am still not killin' it. Yesterday, I had a stress point where one of my ears started ringing, and it hasn't stopped yet, which is not an additional snag I needed. Today I am going to try to have a good day and enjoy things, though. I know I can do it!
Last night, as both an "abandoned game" and "a very good game that helps me relax," I played Pokemon Puzzle League for a bit, clearing the fifth st of Spa Service (line clear) stages without any real hitches. It made me feel powerful.

March 16th, 2023
I'm mega burned out after late work tonight, so I went to Taco Bell, took a hot bath, and complained at my mom on the phone before even considering posting here. Last night, I played marathon mode on Pokemon Puzzle League, a nice game that I enjoy.

October 15th, 2022
Alas! I am on the road today, so there are no screenshots. Tomorrow's post will be normal again, but today is kind of a test to see how well I can post from my phone. It's not fantastic, but it'll do in a pinch!
Last night, I played Balan Wonderworld until I got motion sick, then right before bed, I played puzzle mode, badly, in Pokemon Puzzle League. It was fine.
September 19th, 2022
Last night, I got it in my head that it was time to take my used copy of Cyberpunk 2077 off the shelf and see how long it took me to hit a game breaking glitch.
After a couple hours of downloads and patches, I picked up my Switch for Pokemon Puzzle League and made some great progress in puzzle mode.

September 18th, 2022
I didn't play King of Fighters: Maximum Impact last night and was punished for my hubris.
My biggest game activity yesterday was to try Metal Gear Solid on my Playstation Classic. The bad choice of system is a crucial part of this story. I played the first half hour and got fairly into it, but during the first chunk of exposition, after I got on the elevator without getting killed, I realized that the Playstation Classic's screen goes to sleep fairly quickly, which in this case, caused me to miss some of the "go here or go there" instructions from the commander! Why would Sony have made a system with a famous chatty game built in that automatically dims the screen if the game gets chatty? It seems like such a dumb choice.
Last night, I calmly saved my game, put the Playstation Classic up on a shelf, and sent a wall of text complaining about it to a friend. Today, I'm trying to figure out if I might just be able to get through it by idly tapping a shoulder button during cutscenes, if there's a setting that I missed, or something like that. I shouldn't have been shocked that a famously dumb mini console has more dumb features than I realized, but still, it sucks.

Once I was done being irritated about that, I turned on Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards to see that a couple play sessions worth of progress had been wiped out. Nintendo Switch Online had not done that to me before, and I was not thrilled. It's not a chore to replay levels in a Kirby game, but I was in no mood for it then.
Ultimately, I ended up playing a few puzzle mode levels in Pokemon Puzzle League. I was too annoyed to really enjoy it, and it's my least favorite mode of the game to boot, but my luck will be better today.

Well... I did start things off by ordering a hot drink at Starbucks and getting an iced one, but scooping the ice out, dumping it into another cup, and microwaving it took care of that. Hopefully at least any video game related activities I choose to undertake will go better, anyway!
August 7th, 2022
Yesterday, I was coming off of a night of extremely poor sleep and inexplicable nervousness, so I didn't play many games. Before bed, though, I did do a set of levels in Spa Service mode in Pokemon Puzzle League. 3D mode is excellent, and the flower girl Meowth is also very cute. It's a good gaming experience all around.

July 19th, 2022
It was a standard game day yesterday. I played the 2D levels of the Spa Service mode in Pokemon Puzzle League, which is the line clear challenge. 3D mode is where it gets really good, I think, but it was fun enough to buzz through the first 15 normal levels, then fail at the single chance challenge level after that set. It pleases my unsophisticated brain to see all of the Team Rocket "disguises" in this mode, too.

My phone was charging most of the day, so I didn't get many steps in Pikmin Bloom. It's a bad start to the 20k step challenge for the week, but I still don't doubt I'll succeed.

Lastly, in Ensemble Stars, I thought I cleared the last phase of the Start-Dash event only to, somewhat despairingly, find out there was yet another screen of grind-heavy missions yet to clear. It's hard to say the game is short on goals to clear, if nothing else. I expect to have this set of missions done sometime in August.

July 16th, 2022
Yesterday was a normal games day. I did the normal level 1 player vs. mode in Pokemon Puzzle League, which was enjoyable, since it's Pokemon Puzzle League.

Since the morning was rainy, I went to Planet Fitness instead of taking a morning walk, and I don't think it counted my steps properly for Pikmin Bloom. I'll complain about this slightly more tomorrow.

Before bed, I cleared out the daily missions I could in Ensemble Stars. As lazy as I was about this over the past week, I was surprised to have kept up well enough to get the final weekly mission bonus. It is sometimes a gentler game than I expect.

July 15th, 2022
It was a fun games day yesterday. I had an in-office day for work, so I decided to take advantage of it and go around town during my breaks and lunch with Pikmin Bloom. There were a lot more of the big flowers than I expected downtown, but less expeditions, where you can send your Pikmin out after items after a play session, than I had thought I might pick up. I got a little over 7500 steps in for the day, though, which made me feel powerful and helped me get the 20,000 step weekly challenge done pretty easily!

I was also happy that Pokemon Puzzle League hit Nintendo Switch Online a few hours earlier than I'd expected. It's one of my favorite all-time games, and I'd kind of thought anime licensing deals would keep it off the Switch online service. When they announced it last week, though, I'd been pretty excited, and was happy to see it there when I turned the system on last night. I just buzzed through the 1 player vs mode on easy and the first 15 stages, to get back in the swing of it, but I'm looking forward to matching many blocks.

In Ensemble Stars, I started working on redoing the office. I got the shaved ice stand that's part of the summer event, so my idea is to try and make it a bit like an open floor plan market. So far, it's split into a food court, an office area, and a garbage dump, but I have some more ideas here.

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