What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Ninja Gaiden (Famicom Mini)
June 13th, 2022
I was still not feeling great last night, so though I'd had different intentions, I ended up just making sure I had everything set up so I could switch out my mini consoles easily. That led to some very spotty gaming on my standard Famicom Mini, first with Ninja Gaiden. I haven't messed with this game much before, but I'll probably come back to it. It seemed very cool from the first couple of levels. It just wasn't a game to tackle with a massive headache.

After that, I accidentally clicked on Solomon's Key while I was typing on my phone and played a level. It was not my speed last night.

From there, I turned on Yie Ar Kung-Fu, which was my speed. Honestly, I think it's a little rude of so many other people in the fighting tournament to have weapons when my little guy clearly doesn't, but battle is a cruel thing. It was enjoyable, and I can see returning to it to hurl curse words at my TV again soon, but last night, I just ended up going to bed. The Famicom Mini isn't going anywhere, so that is fine.

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