What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

My Sims Sky Heroes (DS)

August 10th, 2022

Yesterday, I was amazingly tired. I was doing overnight train travel, which is not something that fills people with energy regardless. At about 6 am, though, the train I was on lost its engine, so we sat for a few hours as the onboard electricity dipped on and off, with periodic announcements erasing any hope of a few extra minutes of sleep. A freight train came and lent us an engine to push us back to the last station, as a guy at the back of the coach car I was on used the very startling sounding manual brake, and then all of us who were on the train sat and waited for help. Amtrak ended up chartering buses, jammed us on them with no extra space, and got us all to the next station. I missed my transfer by 30 seconds, but I got a giant McDonalds iced coffee (we don't have hazelnut as an option roundabout where I'm from!) and caught the next one an hour later. It was a long, weird day, but I got where I was going.

What did suck, however, was that rather than tossing our checked bags on the buses, they opted to send them on the next day's train instead, leaving me without my clothes bag! Very sleepily, I got checked into my hotel, walked to a tiny and weird Target, bought the cheapest wearable outfit and nightclothes I could manage, and came back to my room to order in a horrifying amount of chicken wings and kimchi, having not eaten a proper meal for 28 hours.

All that aside, in a matter of actual relevance to this blog, I played two more missions in My Sims Sky Heroes before going to sleep super early by my own standards. I don't love that the plane colors are preset in customization, but since there's usually at least one giant robot adjacent scheme to choose, that's okay. The one below reminded me of Max's valkyrie from Macross, but it's a little dull, so if I keep using this setup, I'm probably going to swap the colors to something flashier.

August 9th, 2022

I haven't slept for 36 hours, and might post some about my grand frustration eventually, so this will not be a very long post. Last night, though, I played My Sims Sky Heroes for DS, which may seem like a bit of a random choice. It kind of is, but I'm so awful at flight combat games, and really want to play the Macross VFX games for PS1! I thought maybe by playing a "baby" version of the genre, I could get enough of a grip on this sort of game to level up from there. I played for about an hour last night, and even if it's all confidence-boosting placebo, I don't think that this was my worst idea. Plus, it's cute, and the game cost two dollars. These are both admirable features for a used game to possess.

That being said, I wish I knew why my phone wants to curve DS screenshots. Granted, this is an awful screenshot, having been taken at midnight on a moving train, but it tries to curve the screens when I take a stationary shot, too. It's very odd.

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