What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Love Colors (Switch)

April 30th, 2024

Today is the last day of April, and I did okay with games this month! My goal was to clear four games, but I only got through three, all short, and definitely no RPGs in the mix. That's okay, though. Donut County had been in my backlog for a wild amount of time for something so short and breezy, and Pikuniku was a lovely GamePass choice.

For May, I'm going to set the same goal I have been, which is to clear four games, with one being an RPG, and one being a GamePass game. If I don't make it, that's fine, too, since it's just a hobby.

Right now, though, I'm really fixated on playing Love Colors before bed. Filling in the pixel-by-numbers screens knocks me out like no game ever has before, so I'm somewhat grateful to it. It doesn't make for scintillating blogging, but sleep is important.


April 29th, 2024

I took it super easy yesterday, so my biggest accomplishment was building these little block kits of Hello Kitty and Pom Pom Purin. I've made the whole set now, and am slightly distressed that the Little Twin Stars weren't included! Still, I'm happy with these. They came out looking like cute little robots.

My only game, though, was a bit of Love Colors before bed. I somehow managed to play a lot without accomplishing much of anything, but that was kind of impressive in and of itself.


April 24th, 2024

I'm super tired today, so this is a somewhat late post, made during a work break. Yesterday was a somewhat not-normal day, so I played a lot more video games than normal. Knocking another set of event missions out in Fashion Dreamer was my main goal, and I achieved that quite easily. I really like this bold blue cherry background for character photos, and had been looking forward to scoring it.

I also scored a copy of Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition and did a lot of violence. I'd played the start of this before on Wii U, but hardly remembered any of it. I think I'd unlocked Young Link in that version, but am not even 100% sure about that. I'll see what happens, though! Playing this again was fun.

I played some Love Colors to try to get to sleep, too, but got too sleepy to keep playing without actually being able to sleep. Oh, well.


April 21st, 2024

I actually have a somewhat busy, in a nice way, day today, so I tried to do a bunch of chores before posting here. After lunch, I'm going to go see Spy x Family: Code White at a local "bigger than a normal screen, but not by any means an IMAX, don't get your hopes up" theater, and after that, it's a Dungeons and Dragons night. I play as a barbarian, so I keep reminding myself to remember to use rage tonight. These constant reminders probably won't work.

Anyway, my current gaming goal is to finish Pikuniku before it leaves Game Pass at the end of the month, as it is fun and I'm not sure why I put it on the back burner. I did a couple boss fights last night, using my total lack of pine cone kicking skills to take out some robots, and felt like I was really moving the story along fast.

I did a couple of mission sets for the monthly event in Fashion Dreamer, too, and am hoping to get this event done this week. If I actually play it instead of messing with offline mode, that should be super attainable.

Before bed, I also filled in ten images in Love Colors to relax and knock myself out. It worked, and I actually slept decently. Having something as slow as a pixel color-by-numbers game on hand is sometimes magical.


February 10th, 2024

After work last night, I was super burned out, but immediately jumped into a grocery run and then a one-on-one RP session for D&D. Both were good, but from there, I achieved Hyper Ultra Burnout.

In this rare state, I played two stages of Toree 2, propelled by the ultra bright colors and a top notch vocal track in the water slide stage I played. This game is a complete delight.

Mainly, though, I zoned out and played Love Colors for an hour, clicking little dots with no challenge at hand. It was worthwhile, and being able to relax so well means I could get a refreshing night's sleep.


January 28th, 2024

I half-attentively played a lot of games yesterday, so I actually get to do a good post now.

The most interesting thing, for me, at least, was Digital Dance Mix Vol. 1: Amuro Namie. I recently found a super cheap JP Sega Saturn, but didn't want to write about it in case it didn't work! Yesterday, I got a few games I'd ordered for it off of eBay, though, and was able to play a bit.

When I was first getting into stuff from Japan, way back in junior high, Amuro Namie was one of the first J-pop artists I really got fixated on, and I had an online ordered CD of Break the Rules that I played so often I wore out the clear plastic slipcover it was over-packaged in. Then, when I was living in Japan, she was doing her retirement tour, which resparked my interest. I got her 3-disc greatest hits album at 7-11 with a little tote bag and a clear file, and ran around used shops grabbing her entire back catalog dirt cheap. It was fun, and I've certainly gotten 300 yen worth of plays out of my copy of Concentration 20.

Because of all that nonsense, I'd wanted to play her Saturn game for a long time, so it was the first thing I ordered when I scored the console. It's barely a game, but I wasn't disappointed at all. There's a karaoke mode, a mode to dress her up and watch her slightly off-putting CG model dance- both limited to two songs- and some minigames named for bad puns based on her song titles. It's aesthetically excellent, though- weird fonts, flashing lights, bright candy colors, and way too much stuff moving on screen at once. It looks like a Lisa Frank designed motion capture demo and it makes me extremely happy. It will 100% pop up here again, as a bonkers way to play memory match feels like a top level "I can't get to sleep!" game.

At night, I was both extremely tired and totally unable to sleep, so my Switch got some playtime. I went through quite a few levels of Kirby's Adventure and kind of arbitrarily stopped. I think I'm pretty close to the end.

I got back to the current event in Fashion Dreamer, too, and crossed its halfway point. The Lunar New Year photo frame I unlocked is really nice, but I was too lazy to make my character a good new outfit for it! It's not going anywhere now that I have it, though, so that's not so bad.

From there, Love Colors is what finally got me ready to sleep. I am thankful for very boring games.


January 27th, 2024

I just played Love Colors again last night. It's not very exciting! In lieu of games, though, I did feel pretty good about my Japanese language study time. Right now, I'm very slowly plodding through a kids' novel, but I'm really happy that I don't have to look a ton of stuff up. Small progress is still good progress!


January 26th, 2024

My sleepiness had not subsided yesterday, and I had an early doctor's appointment this morning, so last night, I just played a few more rounds of Love Colors. I'm not tackling it in a very organized fashion, but there's not enough to it to worry about that.


January 25th, 2024

Yesterday, I was so tired it was difficult to function. I dozed off at a work happy hour, while drinking a diet coke, no less, and came home to stay up too late staring slack jawed at Youtube. When it came to actual bedtime, though, I couldn't sleep, so I went through my no-effort-to-play Switch games and found Love Colors, a game that I'd gotten in a "relaxing games" bundle a while back. It's basically a pixel by pixel color by number, like the "cross stitching" apps on phones, but it was pleasant and satisfying, and it helped me relax enough to get to sleep. It was what I needed.


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