What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom (Switch)
March 5th, 2025
I'm super sleepy again tonight, but I can kind of relax now that work is over! Last night, I finally cleared Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom, which had a pretty decent final half hour. I made potions, melted a robot, and fought an alchemist- you know, all the basic stuff a game should be covering! Snark aside, I really have fun with these hidden object adventure games, and they're nice to play to keep my brain busy while I'm exercising. I'll probably play something else like it soon.

I also tried Fistifluffs, a game I recently picked up for 2 dollars with my Switch eShop gold points. It's a game where cats brawl, and it got middling to bad reviews, I liked what I played last night, though, especially considering how little I paid for it. I might not tackle this immediately, but it'll be fun to play it more in the future.

My Smash Bros Ultimate character last night was Fox, who I do not like and suck at playing as. It wasn't that fun, and I'll still have to deal with Falco and Wolf. These, however, are but temporary inconveniences.

As for today, I've been squirreling away time during work breaks and while cooking dinner to work on one of the little sticker scenes I have stashed. This one is a "cat's loft cottage," as the package says, and it's pretty pleasant to make. I'd like to finish it tonight!

March 4th, 2025
I'm super sleepy tonight, and am posting after some classic coming-home-and-spacing-out. Luckily, my gaming wasn't very wild yesterday. I tried a free Steam shmup before bed, called ImageStriker. It's from the same developer as Raging Blasters, Terarin, and there definitely are similarities. It was very enjoyable, too. I kind of got wrecked in stage 5 last night, since I was having trouble not ramming my ship into walls. It was fun, though! I'll be happy to play more of it.

Other than that, I just kept up with the stuff I've been playing. I put another half hour into Lost Grimoires, in which I rescued a king and seemed to launch him out of a hole in the ground in a minecart. I'm curious to see how tonight's play session goes.

I also did another Super Smash Bros Ultimate playthrough last night, clearing classic mode as Samus. She's an excellent character, and probably one of my favorites in the series. My true excitement, however, came from unlocking Incineroar, a weird and large cat Pokemon! Incineroar isn't even close to the best cat Pokemon, but I'm still pleased to have any sort of cat in Smash Bros. I'm not sure if I forgot it was there, or if I just never knew. Still, a cat is a cat.

March 3rd, 2025
I'm doing a lunch break post today so that I may more effectively be useless later. I'm excited for it!
Yesterday, I got around to trying the Astro City Mini that I'd gotten a pretty good deal on the week before last. It's a really nice little machine, which an excellent clicky joystick and quite a few games to explore. Yesterday I tried Sega Ninja or Ninja Princess- the title was different on the game selection and title screens- but I didn't enjoy it at all. Having different shooting buttons for shooting shuriken straight ahead and shooting them in 8-directions felt really strange and confusing, and the one-hit kills felt rough. I might come back to this because I'm mad at it now, and wish to see it defeated, but it won't be a priority.

While I was on my exercise bike, I picked Lost Grimoires, a hidden object adventure game I'd dropped for a few months, back up. The story is simple enough that I was able to get back into it fast, and even though it's pretty easy, solving the simple puzzles makes me feel like a smart cookie. I've heard this is a shorter one, so I might finish it tonight. I have a couple of other games in this vein lined up, so that would be totally fine.

I was able to continue my fighting game character clearing streak, too, running through Kirby's classic mode in Smash Bros. Ultimate. I spent more time messing with photo mode than fighting. Kirby is so cute, and it was really important to take the time to appreciate him! The camera mode is very neat, too, with a lot more options than I expected. Of course I'm looking forward to more classic mode clears, but the screenshots will be just as fun.

December 19th, 2024
I'm having trouble getting tasks that count towards my productivity metrics at work today, so I'm posting here during my lunch break rather than after work to try and stop worrying. It's not really working, but that's okay.
Last night, I played Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade when I had piles of more useful things to do. That only made it more fun and satisfying. There's a lot of in-game events running right now, and I felt like I was making good progress in them.

I continued with Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom, too. This has a decent story, and I like the potion making mechanics, too, so I'm looking forward to continuing here.

December 18th, 2024
Today's post will be a quick one because my eyes are itchy and I gotta go to work. I beat Aquarium Land last night, though! This game had very calm vibes and did help me get to sleep. Plus, towards the end, it got entertainingly buggy, with my workers getting glued in place and either violently wobbling or getting stuck in an animation loop. It kind of overstayed its welcome, though, so I'm glad to have it done.

With that finished, I started another hidden object/adventure game I'd picked up for two dollars, Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom. It's actually off to a pretty interesting start, story-wise, so I'm interested to get back to this tonight.

I chipped away at some events in Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade, too, but my heart wasn't in it last night.

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