What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Switch)

July 17th, 2024

My internet came back last night, so I can include screenshots again today! This won't really make my posts better, but I'll be more satisfied.

Last night, I polished off The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which, aside from the story having some truly bizarre and delightful nonsense, wasn't my favorite hidden object game. The areas to find stuff in were so empty that objects were way too easy to find, and the puzzles between the hidden object scenes weren't great, either. I did keep going because it's hard not to want to see how a game where Mr. Hyde has a favorite puppet shop in town ends, but the story was what kept me with it. It was completely worth the $1.99 I paid for it, though.

I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, which went a little better than Monday's had. Maybe if I just keep going, I can shake my tiredness.


July 16th, 2024

I lost internet in a lightning strike during some storms last night, so I'm doing a quick post from my phone this morning!

My gaming was not major last night, though, since I was a little fried after the storms left my area. I did get back into workout games with a quick daily workout in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. It was not fun yesterday, but it's no good to just sit around.

I kept going in The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, too, concluding that I am probably almost done, but also that this game has no sense of narrative pacing.


July 15th, 2024

Yesterday wasn't a very big game day for me, since I did a movie and Trader Joe's run. The movie, Robot Dreams was good, and I'm going to eat like a very lazy princess all week, so my choices were the right ones.

I did make more progress in The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and think I must be getting close to the end. Now that I've investigated Mr. Hyde's favorite puppet shop, I don't see where else this story can go.

I've also finally started unlocking some of the restaurant management features in The Tale of Food, as well as the daily quest stuff, making it a lot more fun. I made decent story progress alongside my daily quests yesterday, and am looking forward to playing more. I want my characters to have a very lovely home.

Today, I want to get back to playing fitness games. I'm kind of disappointed with myself for abandoning them, but I know I can get back to it!


July 14th, 2024

I'm really spacy this morning, but handling my Sunday morning to-do list organization well as I drink a latte and stare blankly at various notebooks and my computer screen. Last week, I kind of blew it with my weekly goals, but maybe I'll do better this week.

Yesterday wasn't bad, though. I'd gotten reminded to play some of the Anapurna games I had stashed in my backlog by reading the quarterly game report over on Skep's Neocities page, which is why I played Florence on Friday. Yesterday, I tackled Sayonara Wild Hearts, which had been in my Switch library maybe for five years. It was really excellent! I see people talk about the story and storytelling most often, which is totally fair, but also think it should be noted how much of the gameplay felt like Sonic, but only the good, loop-de-loop go-fast parts. Since the gameplay gets discussed less, I thought maybe that part of it wouldn't be as notable. It's so fun, though! Also, I feel like this should be pre-installed on every OLED Switch to show off how good the screen's contrast is.

Even though I'm marking this as cleared, I'll probably come back to it for some of the score challenges in the near future.

I built a little Nanoblock of My Melody, too, which was fun. She feels a little unsturdy, though. Her giant head is far too tall!

Before bed, I made some more progress in The Mysterious Care of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, too, which is really going off the rails in some delightful days. Last night, I hit some good old fashioned 19th century security cameras and color photography, including a lovely image of Mr. Hyde fleeing through a field of flowers in what seemed to be broad daylight, and also got to find objects in a botanical garden's dinosaur statue area, which I guess has gotta be a common feature of botanical gardens. This game is so goofy, and I'm really pleased with myself for having picked it up a few months back.


July 13th, 2024

I actually cleared a game yesterday, finally playing Florence. This poor game had been sitting on my Switch for ages, abandoned after purchase in a $1.99 sale, which was a totally undeserved fate. It was a short, lovely, and wordless little narrative game, pushed along by some fairly straightforward mini-games, and though romance was part of it, it wasn't really the point in and of itself. I'm so glad I finally played this!

From there, I pressed on with the very amusing, but considerably less lovely The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, too. Hidden object games are ideal for shutting off my brain, so I'm not looking for much from this. Still, having all the object names spelled correctly, or at least misspelled in a non-baffling way, would be nice.

I'm still somewhat determined to free myself of Merge Pixel, too, so I kept it running for a while yesterday. I moved up a level and racked up tons of in game gold, so I am inching closer to the end. It's still pretty far off, though.


July 12th, 2024

I didn't kill it at being a productive human or games yesterday, so this may not be a scintillating post. I did play about another hour of Dive Alert: Matt's Version last night, but the battle system is so tedious that I just can't keep going with it. The story and pixel art in the story bits are cool, but the sub battles are so slow and boring that I'm calling it quits here. It's a shame that the submarine stuff isn't just a tiny bit more fun!

From there, I wanted to play a hidden object game, so, in a big twist, I played a hidden object game. I had The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde backlogged on my Switch, so I started that. It's pretty no-frills, and has that tenuous grasp on logic that any game where people are like "there's been a murder! Can you find me two books, three rats, an apple, a brush, and a barrel?" will have. It's exactly what I wanted, though, so I have no complaints.

Today, I want to do better just in general than I did yesterday, so I'm setting the goal of knocking 25 things off my weekly to-do list. I don't know that I'll pull that off, but it's worth a shot!

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