What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Disney Illusion Island (Switch)
August 17th, 2024
This morning, picking up a prescription became a 4+ hour ordeal, so I made that struggle up to myself by spending some extra time on this site today. Originally, I was going to do a new page design for the Intellivision Flashback next, but since I had a Wii game to post about and a pretty clear vision of how I wanted the page to look, I redid the Wii game pages instead. Right now, I'm pretty pleased with how they came out.
The Wii game I played yesterday was, naturally, Barbie and the Three Musketeers, because I saw it on Youtube and thought it looked neat. It is neat- a low difficulty WayForward 2D platformer- and it lets you play as the cat. So far, I can't imagine this'll be anything world changing, but pleasant is enough sometimes. Also, I learned that my tablet's camera can't pick up blinding Barbie pink while getting "screenshots," and that struck me funny.

I had to shut my Wii off sooner than I wanted, as my Wiimote battery died. After that, I played Disney Illusion Island for a few minutes. All of them were spent figuring out where I needed to go next, as I'd totally forgotten what I was doing here. I think I'm back on track, though.

I also played some King of Prism Sparkling throughout the day, because I had a lot to do and my interest in this game is directly proportional to how many other things I ought to be doing. I got my first UR Prism Star, which was exciting for a few seconds, until I saw how much it would cost to level him up. In such a low-effort game, though, it's not very daunting to let the game run and gather EXP.

July 23rd, 2024
Today is a quick post for a challenging morning! Over the weekend, SNK vs Capcom: SVC Chaos shadow dropped for a bunch of current gen platforms, as an announcement during EVO. I was excited to finally try it, since I'd wanted to play it for years, and had a nice time for the first few minutes! I didn't really have the vibes for a fighting game yesterday, though, so I didn't get far.

I played a very small amount of Disney Illusion Island, too, but was too tired to go much further into it.

I actually did do a decent job of things in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, though, doing a short daily workout and a couple stages of battle mode. It made me feel powerful.

July 22nd, 2024
I had a doctor's appointment this morning, actually meeting a doctor I'd only seen for "virtual visits" in person, and now that that's over with, I have it in my head that I'm gonna get a ton done today. In my head, I'm imagining myself crossing 30 items off my weekly to-do list, which seems unlikely. I could pull it off, though.
Last night, I put about another 90 minutes into Disney Illusion Island, which is still laid back and enjoyable. I fought the first boss, which was time consuming, but not stressful, and wandered through some previously blocked off areas after getting a ground pound ability. Even though I'm enjoying this game, it's maybe not interesting enough to go a ton into depth about it. So far, it's just an easy, relatively basic Metroidvania, and I don't really see that changing a ton as it goes.

July 21st, 2024
Today's post is kind of late, but that's just because I'm sleepy and trying to push through getting stuff done in a very scattered way. I went to a drive-in theater to see Twisters last night, which was extremely fun, but it was hard to sleep afterwards! It was worth it, though, and Sundays don't need to be high productivity.
Yesterday, rather than playing a lot of games, I messed with building toys and built an Entry Grade V Gundam model and a Nanoblock Gardevoir. They're friends now. I was actually kind of impressed by the entry grade Gundam. The snap together plastic serving for color changes rather than stickers was satisfying, and gives it a clean look. With Gardevoir, I am impressed by the level of detail with this kit, but I also think her arms will fall off if I so much as sneeze within ten feet of her. Nanoblocks have their drawbacks.

I played about fifteen minutes of Disney Illusion Island, too. It was fun, but not enough time to make any real progress.

July 20th, 2024
I feel super scrambled this weekend, but, even if it is because of doctor's appointments, I have a three day weekend ahead and am planning to enjoy it!
Last night, I was remarkably fried after work, so I decided to try Disney Illusion Island just thinking it looked cute and relaxing. It is, and in the first hour or so, has some "My First Metroidvania" vibes, which is fine! The jumps feel really good, and I'm looking forward to some more laid back exploring.

I did another playthrough on SNK Gals Fighters, too, with Athena being last night's competitor. I usually like Athena quite a lot, but in this, I feel like she's weighed down with gimmick moves that make her fiddly to play as. They're all pretty cute- I especially like her using Kensou as a shield and then throwing him- but it does leave her feeling "off" here to me. It's cool to have different takes on characters and their playstyles for different games, though, so I kind of appreciate that.

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