What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Fitness Boxing 2 (Switch)

May 7th, 2024

I'm doin' a quick post today, because I did a poor job of getting out of bed today! My main game yesterday was Yoshi's Crafted World, and I buzzed through three more levels.

I also did some free exercises in Fitness Boxing 2, getting a fitness game session in while working towards some in-game achievements.

For a sleepy-time game, I tried Threaded again. The puzzles aren't bad, but shortly after this screenshot was taken, I accidentally found the "erase all your progress on this puzzle" button. It's not a feature I loved.


May 4th, 2024

Yesterday, I played casual games only, but not in casual amounts. I spent a lot of time last night playing a cute little hidden object game I had stashed on my Switch, Tiny Number Hunt. One of my goals today is to finish it, so I'll talk more about it tomorrow. The whole game is just finding the numbers 1-9 in drawings, though. The numbers aren't super well hidden, but the art is cute and I felt like I could zone out nicely playing it. Since I was irritated about my internet being out, a laid back game was good.

I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing 2, too, which went well. I unlocked some new clothes for my trainer after the session, which was very satisfying, so I'll toss her in them next time I play. Plus, this means I met my fitness game goal for the week!

I also played Love Colors for a few minutes, and my interest in it hit a sudden wall. Oh, well! I have other games to play when I need to get myself to sleep, so I'll switch to something different for a bit.


May 1st, 2024

My May is not off to an auspicious start here. Last night, I played somewhat utilitarian games. I did a daily workout in Fitness Boxing 2, since it just seemed like it would be good to exercise. I'd like to try harder to play fitness games a couple times a week. They're kind of a time sink, with warm-up and cool down stretches included, but they're good for me.

I also continued to use Love Colors as a shockingly effective sleep aid. At this point, it's fine if it's all placebo. Being able to go to sleep easily is great.


January 17th, 2024

This is a quick, late post for today. I'm super sleepy and have a doctor's appointment in the morning, so I want to go to bed early.

A new event, the Dramatic Fair, started in Fashion Dreamer last night, so I played that for a while. For this event, I'm using my very pastel guy character, to mix up the clothes I'm dealing with.

I did a short workout in Fitness Boxing, too, just to not give up on being active. Tonight, it's tempting to somehow try to do even less.

Tomorrow's post is probably going to be pretty similar to this, but I am okay with that.


January 16th, 2024

I feel crummy today, and my browser crashed while I was typing a long version of this post. Here is a new short one.

Last night, I started Portal, off of a PS3 copy of The Orange Box, because my PS3 is in a cozier spot than my other systems. I don't know if anyone has heard this or not, but Portal is pretty good. This is my first playthrough because I'm on top of things.

I was tired yesterday, too, and told myself Fitness Circuit might help me feel more energetic. It didn't.

I also did a couple free workouts to help my achievement hunting in Fitness Boxing 2. That was actually fine, and since I did it right before bed, I could pass out immediately after.

It is a relief that today is almost over.


January 15th, 2024

I'm somewhat inexplicably under the less-than-excellent weather, so I don't think anything in this post will really get the attention it deserves. Yesterday afternoon, I finished off About An Elf and enjoyed the last chunk of it. The storytelling framing of it was interesting, and I liked how strange it was, too. Some of the battle prompts felt a bit too "guess what we're thinking" to me, but the gummy bears, which stood in for extra lives, were plentiful enough that it didn't matter.

Anyway, I think this was more of a visual novel than an RPG, but it's written down in my "oh no, I have way too many RPGs" notebook, so I'm crossing it off and counting it on that front. I think the game itself would approve of this.

As far as fitness games go, I switched things up a little and played Fitness Boxing 2 yesterday, since I'd played it in the past and knew it would do different stretches. The game was so rude about my skipping out on it for 2 years, though, asking me if I'd been sick and promising to go easy on me. At any rate, I'm on a quest to get all of the achievements in this game's menu, and am sure I can do it.

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