What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Fistifluffs (Switch)

March 5th, 2025

I'm super sleepy again tonight, but I can kind of relax now that work is over! Last night, I finally cleared Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom, which had a pretty decent final half hour. I made potions, melted a robot, and fought an alchemist- you know, all the basic stuff a game should be covering! Snark aside, I really have fun with these hidden object adventure games, and they're nice to play to keep my brain busy while I'm exercising. I'll probably play something else like it soon.

I also tried Fistifluffs, a game I recently picked up for 2 dollars with my Switch eShop gold points. It's a game where cats brawl, and it got middling to bad reviews, I liked what I played last night, though, especially considering how little I paid for it. I might not tackle this immediately, but it'll be fun to play it more in the future.

My Smash Bros Ultimate character last night was Fox, who I do not like and suck at playing as. It wasn't that fun, and I'll still have to deal with Falco and Wolf. These, however, are but temporary inconveniences.

As for today, I've been squirreling away time during work breaks and while cooking dinner to work on one of the little sticker scenes I have stashed. This one is a "cat's loft cottage," as the package says, and it's pretty pleasant to make. I'd like to finish it tonight!

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