What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Fatal Fury: First Contact (Switch)

October 1st, 2022

It's already October, and I never thought I'd keep this blog going so long! It's not like it's been any hardship to post daily, but I thought I'd get distracted and quit. I'm glad I haven't, though.

Checking back on my games played last month, I only cleared three- Loud, which was fine, but too short, Macbat 64, which I was completely taken with and was also too short, and Shock Troopers, which definitely had a tiny sprite of an anime girl single-handedly taking down a tank. As far as my goal of clearing ten games goes, it's not awesome, but considering that my former average number of games cleared in a month was zero, it's not bad.

That being said, I'm pretty set to start off October by clearing Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight this weekend. I thought that maybe I'd be able to artificially boost my playtime by chasing some of the "view all of this specific character's dances" trophies, but I've been playing long enough that when I sat down to chase that last night, I got the two I had left within 15 minutes. There's two social events left to view and a few trophies remaining, and then this is done. It's so fun that it's a little disappointing, but I have a few choices in mind to tackle after this.

I also played a little bit of Fatal Fury: First Contact on the Switch Neo Geo Pocket collection last night. I have this game for my real Neo Geo Pocket Color, too, but backlighting and rechargable batteries are fine pieces of modern technology. Alfred is such a pain in the butt to unlock that I don't think I'll totally clear this at any point in the near future, but fighting games are fun.

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