What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Death Stranding (PS4)
January 13th, 2024
I feel somewhat spacey today, so this probably won't be a great post. Yesterday, I was worried about some health stuff, especially the wait to get a specialist appointment, so I wanted to see if Switch fitness games might make me feel like I was doing something to counter that. I picked up Fitness Circuit from the eShop and promptly got destroyed. It was a lot of fun, and it had some goofy charm I'll get into later, but it was way more intense than I expected! That is completely ok for now, so I'll keep trying.
Well after that, I played quite a lot more of Death Stranding, too. It was my first big chunk of gameplay, and I got so nervous trying to navigate things when I got surrounded by BTs, or the game's monsters. I made poor Sam, the player character, scuttle around crouch-walking while holding his breath way longer than was necessary. It was fun, though- I'm hoping to make good headway in this over my glorious three day weekend.
Right before bed, I played a few more screens of About An Elf. I'm a little tempted to play a good chunk of this over the next few days, too.
The weather is really crummy, so I'll probably do more games this weekend than I normally would.
January 12th, 2024
I did not have a good yesterday, but I did manage to get over to a half-sold-out grocery store before the next round of snow hit. Other than that, I sat on the floor and played another hour or so worth of Death Stranding last night, which had some fairly crazy story developments. I didn't hit a ton of gameplay, but think I'm in for that on my next session.
I couldn't sleep when I got to bed, so I played Diabolic, a very cheap Switch RPG, for a few minutes. I need to level grind a bit in this, but didn't really want to, so I gave the stage I'm stuck on a few goes and shut it off.
January 11th, 2024
It's time for a quick post before work! Last night, I started Death Stranding, since it seemed like a good game to have going on a long weekend where going outside isn't recommended. I played the first 45 minutes or so and admire a game where it's as much of a pain to walk as it is in real life.
I played Fashion Dreamer quite a lot more, too, trying to farm character parts from NPCs. As far as this goes, though, I probably won't play too much more until another event starts. It feels kind of aimless otherwise.
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