What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back (PS4)
December 29th, 2022
I felt super fried after work last night, so I played more games than usual, which was fine. I beat the final boss and saw the end credits in Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back. For four dollars, this game was fine. It was short and a spot too easy, and I felt like the controls were a little too slippery, too, especially landing on small platforms. While I enjoyed the main game well enough, I'm not going back for 100% completion or a platinum trophy. It's absolutely a four dollar game, and not a twenty dollar one, as is the normal asking price. That being said, it was fun to spend a few nights on an okay platformer and satisfying to get it finished.

After that, I turned on Tekken 7 to play a quick round of Tekken Bowl as a victory lap.

Then, after some craft time, I leveled up a little more in StrikeForce Kitty before going to bed. I'm still making incremental progress, but a sense of futility is setting in.

December 27th, 2022
Today, I've got an extremely daunting work day ahead, but was able to clear some chores that had been wearing on me this morning. My landlord had shut off my ability to take online rent, and my pharmacy was super down to the wire about getting in a prescription I need, neither of which were pleasant. My online rent payments came back, though, and CVS got my prescription in, too, so that's a lot less pressure to start my four day work week.
It was another day for mediocre cat games, with a couple more rounds of level grinding in StrikeForce Kitty. The end of game grind in this game is truly ridiculous. I think I found a new consistent way to rack up EXP, which I'll test out over the next couple of days.

I also got to the final boss in Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back and decided I didn't care enough to give it a decent try last night. If I didn't have work today, I'd be more confident I'd give it a shot later, but I suspect I'll be burned out hard in 9 hours. I'll get to this when I get to it.

December 24th, 2022
I'm posting today right off of making sure I could get my car out of my building's parking lot today. It's never a good sign when the sidewalk is drifted over with snow, so you have to walk in the front yard tire tracks to get to your car instead. Regardless, though, it is nice to be above zero visibility and know that I can be outside more than 10 minutes before the news howls that frostbite might set in. Livability puts me in a super festive mood!
I went to bed last night feeling super unproductive, but thinking about it today, I made a decent sized dishcloth, did a lot of aimless doodling, and fed myself pretty much on time, all of which seems pretty good for such a nasty day in hindsight. I also played a few games for small amounts of time.
First up was StrikeForce Kitty, after the secret levels somewhat renewed my interest. I'm still mostly level grinding to clear the final boss, but it's more fun now that I have some extra goals.

I beat the boss that was giving me trouble the night before in Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back, and shut it off from there because I didn't care enough to keep going at that moment.

Last but not least, I also cleared another race in Kandagawa Jet Girls, a game that has become a test of endurance for me. I shall clear all of the races, bit by bit, but right now, I am approaching it with a chisel, not a sledgehammer.

December 23rd, 2022
Today, I'm starting a four day holiday weekend, which is pretty nice! My main goal today is to stay warm, but I'm going to wrap presents, do crafts, play games, and watch people angrily drive away from fast food restaurants that dare closed in a blizzard from my window. I got a small, lazy amount of back-end work done with links on here, too, which was nice. I have an ok day ahead.
As far as games for yesterday go, it was a day for mediocre cat games through and through. I did five levels and a boss in Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back, which I think is over half of the game. I didn't have a bad time or a great one, and stopped playing at a boss that was proving slightly infuriating. My assumption is that I was having trouble because it was nearly 1 am, so I'll maybe give it another shot this afternoon.

I also sat down for some level grinding in StrikeForce Kitty, since it was too cold to sleep easily. I accidentally figured out that some sets of costumes can unlock special levels with mini-boss cats, which give you more powerful costumes, so I played with that a bit as an attempt at a levelling shortcut. Pure, monotonous grinding is netting me progress, too, so I've got this game's final boss in my sights!

December 22nd, 2022
I haven't done a lunch break post for a while, but it was a decent option for me today. Last night, I played Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back because it was sitting on my PS4 after a 4 dollar sale. For 4 dollars, it could be a lot worse. The yarn balls still make that good bubble popping noise that they did on the SNES, and the gliding feels reasonably okay. It doesn't have the nice sense that you're bouncing all over the place the first SNES game has, so I would have been upset if I'd paid full price for this. For less than the price of a Taco Bell meal, though, I don't really feel too bad about this. I started this game last night and, short as it looks to be, I'll chip away at it over the next few days.

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