What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

Barbie and the Three Musketeers (Wii)

August 18th, 2024

I'm posting today just after a Trader Joe's run, which is going to allow for some delightfully millenial-scumbag-coded work lunches this week. I've been cutting down on takeout meals by shoving bento boxes full of bits and bobs I'm grabbing at grocery stores on Sundays, and even without being thrifty about that at all, it still saves a ton of money. Fast food costs way too much lately, and this is a bit more fun anyway.

On the actual topic of games, though, I played a few more levels of Barbie and the Three Musketeers, getting extremely relaxed by the slow pace and pleasant music. I wish Barbie games had been made this decently when I was a kid.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I also tried Smash TV, since Midway Arcade Origins went on sale for a price I was willing to shell out on XBox. Usually, arcade shooters do not click with me well, but I had a blast playing this! I need to get better at the twin stick controls, so I stopped after a stack of continues rather than just continue scumming my way to the end. I know I can do this with a few less eyeballs flyin' out of my character's skull at every turn! It was fun, though, and I'll definitely end up seeing this game through.

Through the day, I also clicked away in King of Prism Sparkling, but didn't really make any notable progress at all. I'm fine with that.


August 17th, 2024

This morning, picking up a prescription became a 4+ hour ordeal, so I made that struggle up to myself by spending some extra time on this site today. Originally, I was going to do a new page design for the Intellivision Flashback next, but since I had a Wii game to post about and a pretty clear vision of how I wanted the page to look, I redid the Wii game pages instead. Right now, I'm pretty pleased with how they came out.

The Wii game I played yesterday was, naturally, Barbie and the Three Musketeers, because I saw it on Youtube and thought it looked neat. It is neat- a low difficulty WayForward 2D platformer- and it lets you play as the cat. So far, I can't imagine this'll be anything world changing, but pleasant is enough sometimes. Also, I learned that my tablet's camera can't pick up blinding Barbie pink while getting "screenshots," and that struck me funny.

I had to shut my Wii off sooner than I wanted, as my Wiimote battery died. After that, I played Disney Illusion Island for a few minutes. All of them were spent figuring out where I needed to go next, as I'd totally forgotten what I was doing here. I think I'm back on track, though.

I also played some King of Prism Sparkling throughout the day, because I had a lot to do and my interest in this game is directly proportional to how many other things I ought to be doing. I got my first UR Prism Star, which was exciting for a few seconds, until I saw how much it would cost to level him up. In such a low-effort game, though, it's not very daunting to let the game run and gather EXP.

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