What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

October 2024

October 15th, 2024

I just got back from a doctor's appointment, donut time, and the grocery store, and am very happy I have the next two days off work! It's like having a bonus weekend tossed in the middle of the week. I don't have a ton to post about here today, though. I did a ten days of exploration loop in Metro Quester last night, and found a key so I can move forward. Once I picked which locked door to go through, I got another key, which was very nifty, but not the most exciting gaming experience to recount. I'm itchy to play a bit more today, and since I strongly doubt anyone will try to stop me, I probably will.


October 14th, 2024

I've got a strange week ahead, but goal #1 is going to be to get through today's work without too much overtime!

Yesterday, I kept plugging along at my RPG quest with a decent play session in Metro Quester, where I was briefly worried that I softlocked myself. Instead, I think I have to break dozens of blocks of debris to move forward. I'm not sure that's better, but it is at least a clear goal.

Right before bed, I also played the first ten or so minutes of Archlion Saga's companion game, Everdark Tower, too. I don't know that it's counted as a sequel, but there's already been some reused sprites and music within the first 15 minutes. Still, I'm curious to see where it goes.

I let Magical Circle Guru-Guru: Stardust Memories run for a while as I did other stuff, too, making some rare progress in the overall quest. I'm not as sure how to level up effectively in this as I am in some of my other mobile games, which would be disheartening if I cared even a tiny bit more.


October 13th, 2024

Yesterday ended up mostly being a cross stitch day, but I did take the time to finish off Archlion Saga. As an RPG made to be quick and easy to finish, it was rushed and shallow, but that was kind of fine. It was fun to buzz through a big RPG story at such a quick pace, it had that classic "wow, this party member is really overpowered, and this one is useless" feeling, and I always like some brightly colored pixel art. It's a fun concept, and I've got another of these I'm really looking forward to playing.

Seven RPGs remain until I hit my goal of twelve for the year.


October 12th, 2024

I had a pretty long gaming session last night, which was very nice and served as a good brain reset after a somewhat stressful week. Usually, the play sessions I'm writing about here are between 15 and 45 minutes. Last night, I played games for closer to five hours. It's not something I should be doing all the time, but it was nice, and my stress is so low today I might try to deliberately set up at least an hour or two for gaming on days off where nothing else is going on.

My biggest accomplishment last night was getting the story ending in Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, which I really ended up liking. It's a pretty slow paced and small, but open ended game, with quite a lot to do within each run, and I felt like it did a pretty good job of tying the personality test conceit to the story. After I got the real ending, I did a fourth playthrough to smash things and gamble, which was also satisfying, and played the bonus content quizzes, too. This was a good impulse buy, and I can see returning to it in the future.

Eight RPGs (though this fits the definition loosely) remain until I hit my goal of twelve for the year.

I got really close to the end of Archlion Saga, too, hitting the last chapter. So far, I wouldn't say this is anything amazing, but hitting all the main bits of a JRPG at mach speed is kind of charming. Plus, I like that my party's plucky elf girl mouths off a bit to my party's morally compromised spellcaster with hair worthy of a shampoo ad. Dark subject matter aside, the whole thing is kind of cute.

I spent some time with mobile games, too, especially Bleach: Soul Puzzle. I'm actually hitting some decently difficult match-3 puzzles in this, and even though I know they're "just give us a few bucks for some special items!" money pits, I'm satisfied to be clearing them cash-free.

Like I wanted to yesterday, I ran through some story chapters in Cardcaptor Sakura: Memory Key, too. They're just little summaries of the anime, so I don't have a ton to say about this, but it's an ok game to chill out with.

My worst idea of yesterday, though, was to zone out with Wixoss: Multiverse before bed. I cleared all my daily goals, the goal lists for two seperate events, and several plays of a virtual claw machine before just flat out falling asleep. It was honestly excellent.

There's no way I'm going to play this much today, too, but I do at least want to finish off Archlion Saga today. Aside from that, I'm gonna do some crafts and hope for a lovely day!


October 11th, 2024

Yesterday, I spent a lot of my non-work time playing games. It wasn't so practical, but it helped clear my brain out after a long day.

I ended up playing a lot of Pokemon Polyhedral yesterday, since I didn't think I'd have a lot of time for it again until early next week. It was fun! I caught a lot of Pokemon, which felt nice, and doubled up on a trainer battle at the end, actually winning one of them! My Squirtle levelled up enough that I can use an extra hit dice for it, too, which will come in handy. If I play this again tonight, I might tackle my first gym battle.

Before bed, I played another chapter in the super-breezy Archlion Saga, dealing with some easily resolved tension with an elf village and getting my first party member. It was solidly fine.

I played mobile games harder than I needed to yesterday, too. During dinner, I was zoomed in on King of Prism: Sparkling again, wanting to get my tiny idols levelled up and sent out into the world. It took a lot of tapping, but my gosh, I think my little jpegs are out to a great start in their pretend careers!

I did more than just my daily login stuff in Cardcaptor Sakura: Memory Key, too, though the current event has a weirdly infuriating jumping mini-game. Tonight, I have an excuse to binge play games for hours, and I'll freely admit that I'll be coming back to this during that time. I want to finally make some headway in the story mode, since I think I've gotten a lot unlocked chasing login goals.

That's all I've got for today, but I'll probably have a somewhat intense post tomorrow. I'm looking forward to enjoying a game night!


October 10th, 2024

I'm doing a quick post today because I had an early blood test this morning and then just went back to bed after getting back home.

Pokemon Polyhedral was my most played game last night, and I didn't play a ton. I did about seven wild Pokemon battles, including one against Mewtwo, and caught a Krabby and a Geodude. They both went to my PC's storage for now.

I also played about the first ten minutes of Archlion Saga, a little Kemco RPG designed to be short, before bed. It seems extremely efficient so far, and I am somewhat amused by it.

On the mobile game front, I got somewhat fixated on King of Prism: Sparkling while I was eating a takeout dinner. I didn't accomplish much, other than levelling up a bunch of my trainee idols, but it was an ok distraction.


October 9th, 2024

Yesterday was a little busy, so I just ended up turning on Atari Flashback on my Switch and playing five or six rounds of Night Driver. I hadn't really messed with this before, but I set myself a "get a score of 50" goal and played until I reached it. It wasn't bad, though I found it somewhat disorienting that, at least to me, the screen setup made it seem like the car was constantly driving uphill. The simple graphics really work well in motion, though. It was neat.


October 8th, 2024

Today's post will be pretty quick! I did another run of Refind Self: The Personality Test Game last night where I just touched streetlights and looked at AC units until my personality meter filled up. It was good practice for the very destructive run I'm still hoping to do. If she can poke at stuff this well, no doubt my robot girl has what it takes to become a champion jar smasher.

I did two wild Pokemon battles and a trainer battle in Pokemon Polyhedral, too. I caught both Pokemon, meaning I can start sending some to my PC, but really got wrecked again in the trainer battle. It was a good, if not short, play session!


October 7th, 2024

Yesterday, it occurred to me that of my goal to beat 12 RPGs in 2024, I have, if I am being generous with the definition of RPG, cleared 3 of them. Because of that, I got really set on figuring out how I can clear 9 RPGs in less than 3 months yesterday. It was unproductive, but fun to consider.

Also unproductively, I kicked off a new RPG yesterday, starting Metro Quester. I intended to play it just a little, and played for two hours. It's a very bare bones dungeon crawler, but I felt really hooked by it! I don't know how much I'll play it during the week, since it's hard to put down and sleep is somewhat important, but I'm looking forward to playing it more.

I finished my first hour or so gameplay loop in Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, and think that it's interpreting a quick reading speed as my being ultra decisive. I have at least two more loops I want to do before calling this one cleared, since there's still stuff I want to explore, and since there's a turn based battle in this, I'm classifying it as an RPG. I feel more powerful that way.

Early in the day, I also played Space Battleship Yamato: Voyagers of Tomorrow while I was refusing to get out of bed. I really did not want to get up, so I made decent progress in repairing my ship. This is the true value of mobile gaming.


October 6th, 2024

It's a wild morning of coffee and paying bills here, but I did get some game stuff in yesterday. I spent more time with Pokemon Polyhedral than anything, mercilessly destroying Pidgeys, which does feel accurate to the Pokemon experience, and running into legendary birds before my first gym battle, which is a bit much. The randomness of it all really is keeping things interesting, so it's not really a complaint.

I let Sims 4 run for a while as I chatted with a friend, too. I was playing as a system-generated Sim last night, because I had to see if she put books away in the same weirdly neurotic way as the one I made myself. She didn't, but sometimes a guy would come to her house and she'd flirt with them while learning to identify new fish. Sims have a lot to teach each other.


October 5th, 2024

My eyes are really puffy and itchy today, so I've been lazy about posting! I thought if I waited, and also took some allergy meds, I'd pep up and get to it, but neither really worked. That is okay.

I'd been wanting to do this for about a week now, but I got The Sims 4 going again last night. I hadn't played it since before I'd started this blog, since I found it frustratingly clunky and slow on PS4. It runs a lot better on XBox Series S, and seemed a lot easier to start up, too! For now, I made my sort of default sim, tossed her in a pre-made house, which was a nice new feature, and got started with some timed quests to befriend the Grim Reaper, which also seems like an interesting new feature. I haven't done much at all yet, though, so I'm looking forward to seeing what sorts of problems I can cause!

I did enough rounds of Pokemon Polyhedral to hit the first trainer battle, too. Non-gym leader opponents are randomly generated Team Rocket grunts, so I'm using a name generator for my Kanto's all-girl Team Rocket splinter group. They're not really that bad- they just didn't want to pick a new aesthetic after the really crime-oriented original Team Rocket fell. All of the silliness inside my head aside, rolling for the opponent's Pokemon and their respective levels led to my really getting destroyed. That'll make it all the more satisfying when I do start winning, but I was still a little mad at how horrendous my own rolls were last night.

I played Wixoss Multiverse for a while, too. Since I'd done okay in a recent event, I was able to level up a lot of my party members' skills and felt like I jumped over a difficulty spike with expert form. It was fun causing turn based mayhem and destruction, so I played longer than I'd intended.

My eyes burn so much that I might not do much gaming today. I'll have something or other to post about tomorrow, though.


October 4th, 2024

Yesterday, things felt vaguely fall-ish, which made me want to play a Pokemon game. I ended up going with a non-traditional choice, though, and picked Pokemon Polyhedral, a solo tabletop RPG that I found on itch.io a while back. Solo TTRPGs are fun, but I usually play them as creative writing aids, which I don't want to share. This one is more of a pure dice-rolling game, though, and the theme is video game-y, too, so it seemed less daunting to post about. Last night was a small start to my new Pokemon journey, but I've got three Pokemon in my party for my next round of play and am ready to burn through many brightly colored legal pads on this quest.

Other than that, it was just a mobile game day. I played quite a lot of Bleach: Soul Puzzle before dinner, finding out it's the perfect thing to play in an allergy med induced haze.

Before bed, I also checked off piles of tasks in Space Battleship Yamato: Voyagers of Tomorrow, which was fine. I play this one less than the other G123 games because it runs a little poorly on my phone, but sometimes, having it on my phone comes in handy. 'Tis a tricky balance.


October 3rd, 2024

I did not do great at gaming last night! Other than running through login bonuses in my many mobile games, I started Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, an indie game I'd thought looked interesting in the Switch eShop. I only played it for a few minutes so far, but it is interesting- you go around a little RPG-ish world and decide what to do, and every action you take influences how the game reads your character's personality. Once you take enough actions, that playthrough ends. I'm looking forward to playing more, but want to kick butt at getting stuff done today, too, so I'm not sure how that'll go for now.


October 2nd, 2024

My Neocities HTML editor looks really spiffy this morning, which I am grateful for both in terms of readability, and because it gave me a small something extra to say here. It looks like it might be a special Halloween theme.

So far, I have had an excellent start of the month for crafts, which I might share later, but not so amazing a time with games. I did play Bleach: Soul Puzzle a little more last night, but started dozing three or four puzzles in. Sleep was most important, so I just set it aside from there.


October 1st, 2024

I ended up being a little too scrambled last night for any decent gaming, but tried yet another anime mobile game. Last night's choice was Bleach: Soul Puzzle, and I actually liked it quite a lot. It's cute, and filling a match-3 screen with exploding powerups is fun and satisfying. I have a difficult to pin down suspicion that this might get shut down before too long, just because match-3 feels like such an odd genre match for shonen. That's no reason not to enjoy it for now, though.

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