What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?

March 24th, 2025

I had a doctor's appointment at 7:40 this morning, which is much earlier than I am usually up, so I am zoning out right now. Yesterday, though, I played many games. In the afternoon, I got it in my head that it was time to finish the arcade modes in Tekken Advance. Gunjack was my first character, and that went pretty badly. I had to use my most continues of the whole game, as Gunjack is sluggish and not fun to play as. I got my clear, though, and that was what counted.

After that, though, I ran through as Hwoarang, who is my most frequent Tekken main. I obliterated everyone in that run, and it was good and satisfying. Kicking is fun.

From there, I unlocked Heihachi and did my final run, which was solidly fine. Overall, though, I was pretty impressed by this game. It's simplified, with a small roster and some repeated backgrounds and music, and the AI is really weak. It looks and plays like Tekken, though, which is really cool for the Game Boy Advance! It's not perfect, but I'm glad I took the time to replay this. It was a really good time.

I also had a decently long Sims 4 session, which went chaotically. My main Sim died of a metorite, so she lost her job because ghosts can't work fast food in this game. She's a ghost astronaut now, to get her revenge on the space rocks, so she's fine, as far as being dead goes. I moved another Sim into the house to help pay the bills while that career got up and running, though, and then made all the girls grind their logic skill through game after game of poker to progress in the time limited quest. I'm going to keep going with this tonight, but don't particularly think it'll go smoothly.

I also started a hidden cats game on Switch called Summer Paws, where you spin little diorama islands to find sleeping cats. They are round, cute and good cats, so I'm eager to play more, despite some control weirdness.


March 23rd, 2025

Yesterday, most of my game time went to Sims 4 again, which was a lot of fun! I'm still working on the time travel storyline, so I got to invite people to the park and abandon them to dig holes, or visit friends and rummage through their couches. I'm still not even at the halfway mark of this event, so I'll probably toss some more hours into it today. It's fun, so I'd like to see it through!

In less fun gaming, I played and "finished" a cat game I'd gotten in a Steam bundle, Slide Stories: Neko's Journey. It was super cute, so I could get through it, but I don't like slide puzzles! I just wanted to get this over with, so I sat down and ran through it on the easiest mode in one sitting. As a hater, it was not my favorite, but if you do like slide puzzles, this is very calm and charming.

I played Esp Ra.De. PSI for a little bit before bed, too. This Switch port has some very nice "learn the game" features, chopping the levels into bits to use for managable practice sessions, so I messed with those and made a couple super easy arcade mode runs last night. It was nothing special, but I want to eventually clear normal mode without spamming credits, so I'm cool with having a slow start.


March 22nd, 2025

I'm having a very laid back Saturday, and relaxed after work last night, too. I got it in my head that I really wanted to play Sims 4 yesterday, and since it's a little easier for me to play on my XBox, I kind of abandoned it on my Legion Go. When I turned it on, I had a "time travel" event in progress, so I just kept going with that for a while. The guided story stuff is kind of fun and gives me a sense of purpose as I play, but I only have 10 days to finish! I think I can do it, but am not sure how hard I'm going to try.

I went back to playing Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade for Miwa's event that just started, too. Naturally, I kicked that off by running the game for 3 and a half hours to play a different event. My event winnings scored me Miwa's limited gacha card, though, so I'll be getting her smaller event off to a good start. I got to gloat about my good luck, too, and that was probably the best part of the whole thing.


March 21st, 2025

I didn't get done with things until really late last night, and had to talk myself out of trying Castle of Shikigami at 1:30 in the morning. Instead, I tried Esp Ra.De. PSI, which, in the light of day, seemed to me to be a completely lateral move. I want to get good at shmups so I can enjoy extremely anime arcade style games, and Esp Ra.De., with its flying psychic battle teens, is exactly what I want. I want to start off in this by getting a 1CC, or one credit clear, in super easy mode, which seems very doable. It wasn't doable last night, but I played it until I flat out fell asleep last night and got my first good night worth of sleep all week. This might not be a good long term strategy, but it made today easier.


March 20th, 2025

There's still an hour left in Thursday, but I've got Friday style burnout already. I wish I knew why these past couple weeks were challenging me so hard! Last night, though, I was able to relax with a very half-asleep play session in Fit My Cat. The difficulty outpaced my ability to think after just a few levels, but that's okay. I am thankful for super casual games.


March 19th, 2025

About six months ago, one of my work friends recommended that I play the Game Boy port of Bonk's Adventure, and last night, I finally remembered to try it. I did spend a lot of time messing with the color presets in Retro Arch, because I was tired and that was shiny and pretty. The little bit of it I played was fun, though. Bonk himself is a weird little meat fiend, and it's pretty satisfying to ram his head into dinosaurs. The bosses were a little baffling, but I think that's because I was tired, not because it's a complicated game. I think I'm going to give this another shot tonight.


March 18th, 2025

Yesterday, I thought I was having a day long panic attack, but it turned out I was just having normal trouble breathing. I didn't realize that until 3 or 4 in the morning, though, so I only slept for three hours. It is making today challenging, which is too bad, because I had a fun gaming day yesterday! In the name of working on my game completion bingo cards, I tried Marsupilami: Hoobadventure last night and loved it. It's a 2D platformer, and I thought it had a good, satisfying speed, nice controls, and a bright, colorful look that made me happy. I'm too sleepy to articulate anything past that, though! It's bad blogging about a lovely game.

I also did a playthrough in Tekken Advance, clearing Law's arcade mode. I perhaps had not used Law at all since I was unlocking everything in Tekken 3, so I spent most of the playthrough reflecting on that rather than the game. The AI in these portable fighters is so dingbatt-y that it's easy to get distracted and still win.

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