What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?
June 2024
June 30th, 2024
Today is the last day of June, bringing me to four games cleared for the month just under the wire! None were RPGs, and none were on GamePass, either, but that is okay. I'm not going to set any goals like that for next month because I don't actually care very much. I'd still like to clear four games again, but without worrying about genre or system.
Yesterday, I cleared Martial Knight, which was a very frustrating experience! The workouts themselves were fine, and were able to clear some shoulder tension that's bothered me for ages, so it wasn't worthless. The game itself doesn't work very well, though. I'm super willing to forgive the strange, asset flip-y looking graphics, but the motion controls were very inconsistent. Plus, scoring itself broke for some moves near the end of the game, not even registering misses. It made the game feel inherently broken. I probably will boot this back up the next time my shoulders hurt too much to focus on my work, but I still wish it worked better.

After finishing that, I booted up Walk It Out!, a very literal walking simulator for Wii scored by Konami's stable of 00s DJs. I just heard of this recently and picked it up right away, not feeling disappointed by my first mile walked-in-place at all. I'm probably going to play again after this post to see how this looks in the daylight, though, since this is linked to real time. I had my Wii clock set wrong when I took this screenshot, so it's not always so dark!

I started in on Metal Slug Attack Reloaded before bed, too, and don't really have many thoughts on it yet. It's definitely a gacha game ported over to Switch as a standard release, for better or worse, but I'm kind of looking forward to participating in power creep without paying up for it. Plus, I don't play enough tower defense stuff to be sick of the genre, which works in my favor here.

I also played a couple more sets of missions in Fashion Dreamer and am hoping to polish off the June event tonight or tomorrow. I'm cutting it pretty close, so I'd at least like to nab the last photo frame before it ends.

June 29th, 2024
Throughout this week, I've been dreadfully lazy, so today, I'm trying to tackle a lot of my to-do list items for the week that I simply haven't done. There's no way in hell I'm getting through the list, which is fine! Since starting, I've never actually cleared it. I'd like to do better than I have so far, though, so I'll try my best today.
Since my to-do list also has hobbies on it, though, so I don't panic that I will be forever mired in a swamp of chores and work, I will get to continue in the two games I'm posting about today! With Fashion Dreamer, I only did a couple of mission sets last night, but got so many beautiful outfits from other players! I usually try my best to actually make an outfit for the screenshots I take here, but today's is all items I got from other players. I'm surprised, but happy that choosing "beige" as this character's color has turned out to be so lovely.

I got pretty close to the end of Martial Knight last night, and'll probably finish it today. I only have three levels left, but since they're getting longer as I go, I didn't want to set myself up for a marathon. It's driving me a bit crazy that the position in which I hold the joycon seems to matter, but I can't see what the game wants me to do since every trainer's hands are always on fire. With these workouts, though, I've actually been able to shake off some of my shoulder soreness, so I'm a little more willing to forgive bad design choices than I might be in a more traditional game.

June 28th, 2024
It's a rainy, dreary day, but since it's Friday, it's difficult to be too down about that. Last night, I crossed the halfway point of this month's Fashion Dreamer event, and am hoping to have it totally cleared by the end of the weekend. My focus will be the only challenge on that front.

I also got halfway through Martial Knight, and I have no idea what this game wants me to do for some of the actions. I think that a lot of them are dependent on the angle at which I'm holding the Joycon rather than the action itself, which is tricky. There's one level I've played four times now, trying to figure an action out, but I can't do better than a miss on it at all. I'm still getting a workout here, so I will see this through to the end unless the back half of the game gets really crazy. I just no longer care about my scores past getting through a level.

June 27th, 2024
I'm having a challenging time being awake today, so this won't be a very long post. I picked up a very cheap fitness game on Switch last night, though, called Martial Knight, thinking it would be bad enough to be funny. The character models look very strange, and there's a weird suddenness to their movements that makes the exercises feel mysterious. Once I figured out how it wanted me to calibrate the joycons before each round, though, the exercising itself wasn't too bad. I feel like motion detection in it is still hit and miss enough that it would be a folly to chase S ranks on every level, but if I can get B ranks over the next few days, I'll be happy.

I played another really bad run of Balatro, too. The Wall is the most cursed boss blind, and I think part of a successful run might involve having the good luck to avoid that score spike.

June 26th, 2024
Even though it was pretty early, I crashed hard after doing yesterday's post and still haven't quite recovered. It made yesterday a bit of an unpleasant struggle, and the tornado sirens going off didn't help. I did get through the next few missions in this month's Fashion Dreamer event, though, and am hoping to knock this whole thing out within the next few days.

I considered skipping a fitness game to curl up in a ball and space out, but did get a small burst of energy at night and tackled my daily missions in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. Thankfully, they were easy ones, so I could give it a good, solid 75% of my all.

I slept well, but still feel extremely tired this morning, so I'm hoping for a merciful work day. I don't think I'll get it, but I've only got three days until the weekend.
June 25th, 2024
I went to bed early last night and, thankfully, am feeling somewhat back to normal today. I spent so much of yesterday really spacing out that I almost felt guilty about it!
Because of that, I ended up taking it pretty easy with games yesterday. I ended up picking up Fashion Dreamer, to play this month's event before it's too late, and spent too much time messing with a new character to make any headway in the event itself. I'll do more of this today.

I defeated the second boss in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, but have to save up in-game currency to actually unlock him as a trainer. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but I wanted to see his unlockable outfits right away and was slightly disappointed that I could not

In non-gaming activities that I still post about here, I built a Nanoblock of Cinnamoroll, too. This is my third block set for Cinnamoroll, and is my least favorite. It's not bad, but the face doesn't have a "Sanrio look" to me at all. The eyes are maybe too lively. It's interesting to see different approaches to the same character, though, and this won't be the last Cinnamoroll I tackle.

I'm still kind of sleepy today, so I probably won't accomplish much. That is okay. I don't have to.
June 24th, 2024
I just got back from a weekend of food, shopping, and hanging out in the Chicago suburbs, and am a bit of a zombie after doing a long drive early this morning. It was fun, though, and a nice way to spend a summer weekend. I don't have work again until Wednesday, so I'm just going to kick back for a bit.
Yesterday, I was too busy to do a lot of gaming, but I built this little Nanoblock from a Spy x Family blind bag. I got it at Miniso, which I'm somewhat relieved has no locations where I live, and it's supposed to be Damien, one of Anya's classmates. It looks a little generic, but the school uniform is on point enough I can put him with some of my other knick-knacks and identify him. I do like how charmingly tiny this Nanoblock is, though, and am excited to build a couple of Sanrio ones I grabbed in the same size. Right now, he's over on my craft table in a gacha machine bubble before he goes on display.

I was set on keeping my exercise game run going yesterday, too, so I did do a couple of free workouts in Fitness Boxing 2. It worked pretty well with other people's music blasting, so I might experiment with that on my own. As fun as this game is, I'm not a fan of the midi versions of pop songs it uses for workouts, so switching it up could be really nice.

June 23rd, 2024
This will be a pretty quick post today, because malls and sushi lay ahead for me! Last night, though, I got to play some versus matches in SNK Gals' Fighter, with one joycon per player and the Switch standing up on a couch, just as Nintendo's commercials prophesied! The joycons are too tiny to be ideal controllers individually, but for a two-button game, they were good enough. I'd always wanted to play the Neo Geo Pocket fighters against someone back in the day, but no one else around had one. The Switch ports of these have made that tiny dream come true.
Right after doing my post yesterday, I also played about 20 minutes of Fitness Boxing 2. Stretching before a 4 hour drive was a decent idea, and one that I shall have to remember for the future.

June 22nd, 2024
I have a long and somewhat busy weekend ahead, so am doing a quick, early post before I get things started. Last night, I went to bed early to try to rest up, which I totally whiffed by then waking up once an hour every hour. Before that, though, I played a round of Balatro, briefly feeling confident that I had a winning strategy at hand. I left myself very weak to a boss blind that took my ability to score off of hearts away, though, and lost really badly. It was so my own fault that I'm actually still somewhat frustrated with myself.

I played my daily fitness game, too, going with plain Fitness Boxing 2 just for the brighter, poppier atmosphere. It was a pretty easy daily workout yesterday, which was great since I was playing during a work break.

As far as things go for this blog this weekend, things will probably be pretty brief tomorrow. Monday, though, I may have a pretty long post. Either way, I'm looking forward to the four day weekend ahead!
June 21th, 2024
Last night, I did two playthroughs on SNK Gals' Fighters, because it was fun and I wanted to. I'm just running through the characters by column on the character select screen, so I tackled Yuri's arcade mode first. I like Yuri as a character- I think she's funny, and she has a nice, classic, not too overboard design- so I try to use her in a lot of games. This invariably ends in me getting wrecked, because for whatever reason, her moveset and capabilities just don't click with me. Last night was no exception. I did get through to her ending, though, so I felt a little accomplished.

Shermie was next, and as a high schooler, these Neo Geo Pocket fighters were the first time I'd seen her. King of Fighters '99 was my first SNK fighter, so I initially missed the Orochi saga games entirely. Back then, I didn't like her because her name was weird, she was slow, and she wasn't cute. As an adult, however, I understand that being able to confidently throw someone across the room is much more important than being cute. Shermie is actually great.

Past that, I did some good ol' utility gaming. Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star led me into another regular length daily workout, and I zoned out through most of it, forgetting the start of a workout by the time I hit the end. I got through it, though, and that's what counts!

I also got a little overexcited playing fighting games late at night, so I turned on Love Colors to go to sleep. I was out after two screens. Doctors should know about the powers of this game.

June 20th, 2024
Yesterday, I pretty much stayed on the same game path I'd been on the day before. In SNK Gals' Fighters, I ran the arcade mode as Nakoruru, which was fun. I've played as Mai in piles of games for hundreds of rounds through the years, so last night, I was kind of able to sleepwalk through her playthrough. It's not like I've never played Samurai Shodown, but I've used Nakoruru infrequently enough that I didn't feel on such sure footing when I started last night. Getting her combos down and figuring out her speed and range gave me a better chance to explore what the game is offering, and it was still extremely zippy and fun.

I also had the energy to go back to Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star last night, but after looking at the daily missions, I ended up just doing a regular length daily workout set to clear them. Even if the gameplay is the same as plain Fitness Boxing for something like that, I like having different vibes to pick from when I'm pretending to punch for the day.

June 19th, 2024
After some errands a bit late last night, I built the first Lego I'd done for a while, and it was an honest-to-God brand name one, too. I'd been at Target to pick up a lawn chair for an outdoor concert next week and picked up the little five dollar Animal Crossing set, Maple's Pumpkin Garden. It's really cute, and I love the little villager minifig! It was less than 30 pieces, though, so it did seem very small for the cost. Still, it looks great up with all my little storefronts!

From there, I wanted to start a new, relatively quick game before bed, so I decided to do an all-characters run in SNK Gals' Fighter. I played this on original hardware maybe 20 years ago, and the Switch controls aren't as good at all as the Neo Geo Pocket Color joystick, but that's pretty forgivable, considering how good the NGPC was. This is still super fun. I started with Mai, and should unlock all the "secret" characters naturally as I go. I'm looking forward to this journey of headkicking!

For my daily workout game, I just did another daily workout in Fitness Boxing 2 to keep things simple. Poor Karen hasn't gotten to change her outfit in days, but her tracksuit at least looks comfy.

June 18th, 2024
Last night, I finished off the story in Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, and wasn't dissatisfied with it. For now, though, I think I'm going to set it aside and call it good. It had a lot of slowdown and was getting a little buggy on Switch, with the final cutscene having the "congrats, it's time for free play mode" box pop up too soon alongside a text box seeming to sneak in out of order. It's very charming, and I like the environmentalist themes, so I wouldn't mind going back and getting 100% of the frog collection someday. For now, though, the slowdown is bugging me too much to be a completionist. I'll keep an eye on it and see if it gets patched.

I also did my daily workout game during a work break, going back to plain Fitness Boxing 2 to avoid fussing with the extra stuff in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star under a time limit. It gave me the toughest daily workout I've done in one of these games yet, so I regretted my choice. It did, however, leave me feel like I was floating through support calls for the rest of my shift after that, which was an okay frame of mind.

June 17th, 2024
It's super hot where I am today, but I don't have any dread about the approaching work day, so I'll take it.
My game stuff wasn't out of the ordinary at all yesterday. I put some more time into Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge before bed, while my apartment cooled down, and think I'm getting close to the end of the main game. I unlocked a beautiful new area, and built it up through the game's quest ladder, met lots of cute new frogs, and got a weird glitch where I accidentally erased a bunch of ponds in said new area trying to solve it. It wasn't too irritating, though since a game reset solved everything and let me open the menus again.

I also did my daily missions in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, which was daunting in summer heat on a day where I didn't feel so great. I made it through, and am happy I did, but was not thrilled to see "defeat 45 outlaws" pop up on my list.

June 16th, 2024
I just had a long-ish internet outage end, which wasn't so bad. When it started last night, I ended up playing Psycho Soldier, an arcade game with an early appearance from now-from-King of Fighters Athena. I'd actually played this before, back when it was a PSP Minis title, and didn't like it very well then. Now that I'm a bit better at games, I grabbed the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection off my shelf to give it another shot. I still didn't like it very well! The 4-tiers of platforms you bounce between don't work well with the agility a horizontal shooter requires, I feel like, and Athena getting killed in one hit makes this feel like a nasty, quarter munching slog. It is very cute, with some neat mecha-dragon-in-hell boss designs to boot, and Athena's song is impressive for the game's age! I don't hate this. It's maybe just not my jam.

Other than that, I was just playing my normal stuff for the day. I did my daily missions and then some in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, and felt pretty good after that.

I put a couple hours into Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, too, still mostly working within the Australian zone. It gave me a photo mission where the game doesn't seem to recognize that I'm getting both furniture items and the frog I need within my shop, which is a little frustrating. It's still so new, though, that maybe a bug fix is on the way. I do wish I'd gotten a better screenshot last night, though. I think the one I did get was accidental, since I was kind of sleepy and not really thinking about it.

June 15th, 2024
My allergies are so nasty today that I can barely keep my eyes open to do this post. It's not a treat! I've already made a salad for a cookout later, though, and done some studying, too. Maybe today won't be too bad!
I started the Australian frog habitat rehabilitation in Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, and felt like it added a pleasant "make money in this area to spend it in that one" balancing act in the game. Making and selling items does kind of take the focus off the cute frog buddies, but that's not terrible.

I did my daily missions in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star, too, which was fun. Yesterday's set ended up being a lot lighter than the day before had been, but that was fine.

I ran Merge Pixel for a few hours, too, and did make some actual progress. I probably won't do much with it for the next couple of days, since I'm more worried about staying awake than productivity for now.

June 14th, 2024
I have today off work to go see a comedian later, so I'm currently trying to brush away my workweek stress! I did make my "cross 20 things off my to-do list" goal yesterday, mostly knocking off cleaning and housekeeping tasks. Today, I'm going to tackle some of the craft and hobby ones, which, naturally, is much more fun. I'd like to make a dent in my Japanese study ones, too. I haven't ever finished the list in the two months I've been doing it, but it's ok to have a direction to take things.
Anyway, last night, I cleared the first boss fight in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. It was very satisfying to punch a guy a lot, and the life bars and over the top special attacks were honestly all very motivating. It actually wore me out a bit, too, which I think is a good sign for a workout game.

I played quite a bit of Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, too, ticking off the goals the game gave me and making cute little frog friends. I shut it off to sleep right when it unlocked a wetland to rehab in Australia, which was an interesting twist, but I'll see what that's all about soon.

While I was trying to get stuff done, I had Merge Pixel running, too, clearing the screen every time I met a goal. I felt like I actually made a small dent in it, but it's still pure numbers-go-up nonsense.

June 13th, 2024
I've been way lazy the last few days, so I'm going to try to get back on track today. I want to knock at least 20 items off my weekly to-do list, which is less daunting than it sounds, and even if I'm just eating canned soup or something, I want to eat both lunch and dinner at home today. I know I can do this!
Last night, I wasn't very hardcore about gaming. I did my "daily missions" in Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. The main one was to do three battle stages, and I got the "throw X number of perfect punches" and "get this many Great Combo" missions done while I was at it. Having a more game-ish feeling for basically the same workouts that Fitness Boxing 2 offered does work to switch things up for me, though I am curious to see what some of the other daily missions will be.

I was going to go to bed without playing more games last night, but my brain was way too buzzy to achieve that. I used a few stages of Love Colors to shut my brain up and got to sleep from there.

June 12th, 2024
This will be a quick morning post, since I decided to keep my fitness game streak going last night and nothing else. I tried Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star last night, though, and did end up playing quite a lot. It's basically the same game as Fitness Boxing 2, but with more 80s anime goofiness and a mode where you get to thrash wasteland punks. I unreservedly love it so far.

June 11th, 2024
This morning, I couldn't get up and get going very easily, and I felt like this was a blow from which I would never recover. In fact, I did recover. I don't post about it specifically on here so much, but earlier this year I got diagnosed with Graves Disease on top of depression/anxiety, and all that on top of PCOS, and I'm so mean to myself about it! Basically, none of this gets in the way of anything, other than my just feeling very sleepy very often. This morning, though, I got up in time to go to work, but not to post before leaving, and I was so mad at myself! It was a really unreasonable feeling, which I realized a little later.
I'm here now, though, and it's not even that strange for me to post at night. I also have nearly nothing to report.
I finally finished the "play all songs on Fast speed" in Fitness Boxing 2, though, and felt so accomplished! It was more an achievement based in persistence than skill, but I was still pleased with myself.

After that, I kept going with Kamaeru, too, but didn't really feel like I got anywhere. That might just be how this game is, though.

Tonight, I'm more excited to sleep than to play a lot of games, but I picked up Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star and a couple other games in the current Switch sale, and am off to do some punchin' as soon as I'm done here. I'm more excited than I should be about it, but it's nice to have fun!
June 10th, 2024
It's Monday, but even so, I only have a four day work week ahead, which is nice. I had a lot of bad dreams last night and am super sleepy now, but I've got this!
Yesterday, I wanted something ultra-peaceful to play, so I picked up a new indie game, Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge. It feels more like a mobile game that's been made more playable for console than anything, and the controls feel a little funky on Switch. The little frogs you try to attract to the wetlands are so cute, though, and balancing the area you build up for biodiversity is an interesting idea. I'll probably keep going with this tonight.

I kept my streak going in Fitness Boxing 2, too, and should be positioned to get a couple more achievements out of the way tonight. I'm so excited to have the "play every song on fast" achievement done with that I'm eagerly anticipating tonight's play session.

June 9th, 2024
Yesterday wasn't a big games day for me! It was a really nice day. I did tons of crafts, read a ridiculous amount of manga, finished off a solo RPG I'd been chipping away at for the last few weeks, and went to a movie. It was good stuff, and I'm hoping today will be as good again!
I did keep going with Fitness Boxing 2, though, keeping my exercise streak going, but not clearing any in-game goals. It was totally fine.

I did a couple of disaster runs in Balatro before bed, too, not getting any further than ante 3. It was a nasty combo of bad luck and extreme sleepiness.

June 8th, 2024
Last night, I was digging through my itch.io bundles after another bundle purchase brought my game buying freeze to a wonderful screeching halt when I came to a realization: I could be playing all of the homebrew Game Boy stuff I'd gathered on my Miyoo Mini+. I ended up using a short Game Boy Advance visual novel for this, Love Corp: Lyla "Do you have anymore," because that was what I saw first after getting this idea. I was not disappointed. The game itself was short, oppressively dark, and kind of a surreal stream of conciousness piece, but playing it on my Miyoo Mini+, screen filter on, made me feel like I was in an alternate universe where the Game Boy Advance had a profane, politically inclined indie scene. It definitely became a case of the medium affecting the experience for me, but that in and of itself was very cool! Video games are neat.

Other than that, though, I was kind of doing the same stuff I have been all week. I had a very enjoyable Fitness Boxing 2 session that ended in me unlocking some new outfits for my trainers.

I also ran Merge Pixel for a lot of the day, but I didn't get anywhere in it at all. That was fine.

I don't know how good my post'll be tomorrow, as I've become set on reading Jujutsu Kaisen from the start to the last published chapter within a week. It's good to have sensible and productive goals! I'm sure I'll play something, though!
June 7th, 2024
Work is wearing me out way more than it should this week, so I had another unexciting game night last night. I did do great at Fitness Boxing, clearing about 3 achievements, chipping away at clearing all of the songs on fast mode, and getting pretty in-the-zone on one of the 12 minute exercises. I'll switch trainers to work on knocking out another achievement in my next play session, which will keep things interesting.

From there, I couldn't get myself interested in turning New Pokemon Snap back on, so I played a couple of pretty dreadful runs in Balatro. Even doing badly, though, it was still fun.

June 6th, 2024
Last night, my games were just more of the same. In Fitness Boxing 2, I'm still after the "play all songs on fast" achievement, as well as "Do 10 Free Exercises With Janice," so I played a few stages to chip away at both of those last night. If I play again tonight, I should be able to clear at least the trainer specific challenge there, which'll be nice. I feel like 100%-ing the achievements in this game should be doable.

I played Bucket Crusher a little more, too, but think I am only good for this game once every few weeks. Rather than helping me relax last night, it just made me feel distressingly bored, so I'm setting it aside for a while again.

June 5th, 2024
I was extremely tired after work last night, so, naturally, I chased a 12-minute, top difficulty score challenge in Fitness Boxing 2. I did get the achievement for it, and am pretty proud of that, but it wasn't evidence of good planning on my part.

From there, I did a few levels in the ultra-casual Bucket Crusher, as getting to sleep fast was more important to me than a high quality game experience. It worked like a charm!

June 4th, 2024
This is a quick post before work, since I'm somewhat spacey this morning. I didn't play a ton of anything yesterday, but did do a few runs in New Pokemon Snap, almost all of which netted me a new area for photos. This was so grindy at the start that I'm surprised how fast it's all going now.

I did some more achievement chasing in Fitness Boxing 2, too, getting another trainer's first set of goals squared away. It seems to me, going after all of this actively, that stretches count as exercises towards the achievements, too, making a 100% completion rate a lot less daunting than it initially seemed.

June 3rd, 2024
I failed to get out of bed in time to do a good post before work, but certainly, I'm ready to do a bad one!
I didn't play anything too wild yesterday, though. After dinner and before watching a couple movies, I played a few more levels of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, which is still very enjoyable. Everything feels good and responsive, play-wise, and the sprite art is really detailed and charming. This is fun so far.

Before bed, I played a little bit more of New Pokemon Snap, but I felt like I wasn't making progress despite playing in two new levels. The underwater special stage kind of bothered me, too. The little photo pod reminded me of the Titan submersible, and I kept thinking about what extreme danger my trainer was in over trying to snap a photo of a glowing Pokemon.

On the more utilitarian side, I did some achievement hunting in Fitness Boxing 2 yesterday, and was able to get three or four achievements down. Some were for time spent with trainers, and some were score/number of punches thrown challeges, but I felt productive nontheless.

I had Merge Pixel on for a lot of the day, too, and am well over the halfway point now. I am more sure than ever that I can eventually clear this game, especially since it takes no effort and barely any attention.

June 2nd, 2024
It's another Sunday morning and another post to kick off another week! I just finished drafting my weekly to-do list, and am hoping to be at least a bit productive today. If I'm not, though, it does not really matter.
Last night, I was digging around XBox and decided to try Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. It was extremely fun, but also a little difficult to play in the midst of a massive sneezing attack. I can't really blame the dev team for not taking that problem into account, so I set it aside after a couple runs at the first level and'll play again today.

From there, I played Pokemon Snap for a few level runs, too, spending more time in the lovely aquatic levels. I was making forward progress, so it wasn't *just* me going "wow, pretty colors!" the whole time. It was mostly that, though.

June 1st, 2024
June is off to a rainy start here, but I'm going to make some cookout salads after this post regardless. Vegetables still taste lovely inside!
As far as things go with games, I don't have too much exciting to share today. I played New Pokemon Snap a while longer last night, and though today's screenshot is of Bellossom, I spent the vast majority of my playtime just running through a coral reef level over and over. It was pretty, I was sleepy, and my attention got zoomed in on it. It made for a nice play session.

I also let Merge Pixel run for most of the day, as I'd still like to clear this some day. It's nice to finish a task and clear the screen after, so it ends up serving as kind of a focus tool.

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